Ch 7 the Emerald road

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(Ash pov)

We walked back to our car and it wasnt there "where tf is my car!?" Rin screamed "calm down rin" Ari said " a car cant just disepear" Hunter said "well technically" a voice said "who are you!" I screamed, no answere "hello where tf is my car!?" Rin screamed And, No answere "hello can you answere us please?" Cal asked "oh deary, who might you be?" The voice asked "im Kelly, but everyone calls me Cal"  Cal said " oh, what a beautiful name you have" the voice said " um, could you come out, so we could see you please" Cal asked "for you dear of course" the voice said and out came a purple cat, with green eyes and few Emerald green spots "whats your name?" Cal asked "oh dear, i dont have a name" the cat said "well how about spot then? because of the spots on you back and head" Cal said "oh dear spot, is such a wonderful name, i love it" the spot said, then he jumped into Kellys arms.

"Um Spot, do you know what happend to my car?" Rin asked

"Oh yeah there was this cat Lady, she said her name was Kaliko she destroyed the car, and just left" Spot said "Kaliko isnt she dead?" Ari asked "Kaliko doesnt die, she just gets slowed down" i said "but why didnt she just attack us while we were in there?" Leo asked and pointed to the house "i honestly dont know, well maybe..." I was about to finish the sentence, but stopped "Ash maybe what!?" Leo asked "maybe, she was afraid of something" i said

"What could she possibly be afraid of?" Ari asked, i looked over at Rin, but he hadnt stopped her from attacking us before, so it had to be something else then i felt a heat towards my chest, where the Emerald necklace was hanging "the nacklace" Hunter said "thats what she was afraid of" he continued "does that mean, she cant attack us or?" Leo asked "i dont know" Hunter said "but at least we know, that we are a bit safer" Ari said "but how are we going to keep going? We have no car, no food, no water, no nothing!" Rin said " yeah rin is right" Leo said "we are stuck here" Cal said "well we might as well start walking" Hunter said "yeah" and so we started walking.

(Aris pov)

We had walked for quite awhile, and let me tell you it was boring like really boring, we walked until it was dark and we found a hut to sleep in while we waited for the morning to come (and yes it was abandoned) when we got innside, all the others just went to bed, there wasnt enough beds so we all had to share there were 3 beds, Cal and Ash slept in the same bed with spot, and Leo and Hunter also slept in the same bed, that just left me and Rin, whom is a gentle man " i can just sleep on the floor" Rin said "um, or we could just share the bed?" I said "no, i wouldt want to intrude on your personal space" he said, dumbass idiot "no its ok, and it would probably make it easier to keep warm, if we both sleep here, and its a king size bed unlike the two other beds" i said "ok then" then we both laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

(Rins pov)

It was an early morning and Ari and the others were still asleep, so i went out for a walk and i saw a horse, and i followed it you might think how stupid can you possibly be Rin, well i dont know ask Ari or my sister, but i do a tonn of stupid shit i piss of evil entities its kind of my thing, wait where, were we again? Oh yeah so i was following this black mare, and she led me to her herd, i stood there and looked at them they were beautiful, wait! We could tame them, oh where is my phone, there it is i took out my phone and sent a message in the group chat.

🫀Rin🔥: guys meet me in the forest, i think i found our way out of here!

🎵Ari✨: wait did you find a car?

🫀Rin🔥: no just come out to the forest.

🦝Hunter☀️: on my way!

🦅Cal🍃: me and Ash, are on our way to!

🌈Ash💎: yeah what she said!

🦁Leo💥:guess im going there with Hunter!

🌈Ash💎: we are taking Ari with us.

Now i just had to wait.

(Half and hour later) 

"Rin!" Ash shouted "shhh" i said "huh? Why did you shhh her?" Cal asked "well because thats our way out" i said, and pointed to the horses "horses, i love horses" Cal said "yeah, we know" Hunter said "ok Hunter take the other end of the rope, and the tie it around the trees, then we meet at the other side and tie the rope" i said "ok" Hunter said, after around 20 min we had made a pen for the horses, then it was Ashley's turn because she can talk to animals, but if the animals are wild it makes it a bit harder but she did well, they heard her, while she was talking to them we made some make shift bridles of rope and some other things from the forest, some old cloth from the house to make it softer and we used an old shirt to tie around some parts of it, we also have some sicssors to cut their mane a bit shorter, just a bit , we also have a brush to brush their manes and we also found some horse brushes in the house we can use to brush them, the bridles were finished and all of us choose a horse, Cal choose a bay mare she named her Belle, Leo choose a chestnut stallion he named Pyralis which means of fire, Hunter choose a Pinto Mare he named Lola and Ash choose a gray stallion with black spots she named Frosty, Ari Choose a white Stallion she named Grace.

"Um Rin why havent you choosen a horse?" Cal asked "umm i dont know" i said.

Then a black mare started walking torwards me, she started to bite my shirt playfully "i dont think you have to choose a horse Rin, seems like she choose you" Leo said "i guess she did" i said "what are you going to call him" Ari asked "Giza nyx, her name is Giza nyx" i said "what does that mean?" Leo asked "well Giza, is the swahili word for darkness, and nyx is the Greek goddess of darkness" i said "ohh cool" Ash said "well lets set the others free, and then saddle up" Ari said, we removed the rope around the trees and the other horses left, and we saddled up our horses and rode off into the sunset.

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