He grasped the tail and swung it in,
Their barks complained against his festive sin.
He drove a stick right through the cage,
Another innocent died amidst rampage.
Then through the long savage miles,
Thousands starved to see "Yulin's smiles"
They prayed for health and of joy,
Slaughtering speechless animals like a butcher's toy.
Families lost their beloved paw,
And no animal was protected by the law.
Hundreds caught and killed in streets
A despotic way a human greets.
Tortured for pleasure and murdered for sport,
Such heartless horror eyes couldn't report.
Flayed alive and burnt to death,
Each tear prayed for the last breath.
The meat was sold at a high price,
An marvelous show of human vice,
The tears of blood knew no end,
The way man treated his bestfriend.

PoetryA compilation of poems on issues like human trafficking, war , racism etc. written by Shuvam Roy. I hope you read and enjoy it, please give it a try. :)