Old eyes, old ears and old taste
Maybe age turned me into an old waste
Or maybe it's something I did or do?
Why am I no more, mother to you?It all went well in early years,
Now it's a bond of painful tears.
Watching you grow was sweet disappointment
And your voice now demands appointment.I hope your meals are hot and cooked,
I hope she managed all I overlooked,
And with me may all your differences fade
Do forgive the mistakes I have madeMy blessings fly from this old-age cell
When I hear that you're doing well
It's been so long I heard your voice,
Afterall exiling me was the practical choice.The broken phone rings once in ages,
With stumbled words and hesitant phrases,
Has your tone changed to a stern cold?
Or is it just my ears growing old?I have given birth to you,
And you're the only one,
I would always love you,
My beloved son.

PoetryA compilation of poems on issues like human trafficking, war , racism etc. written by Shuvam Roy. I hope you read and enjoy it, please give it a try. :)