Charlie Hebdo Massacre

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The morning herald spoke of views,

Which the eyes of tyranny seemed to refuse.

Their ink had marked what some could not see,

But who could guess what the cost of complain would be?

With loaded guns they made their way,

To the dozen they planned to slay.

And soon the thinkers drop down dead

With principles of liberty dotted red.

The maverick thoughts of the crowd,

were shunned by bullets and peril's shroud.

Armed with guns they stormed the place,

slaughtering innocent people for "God's Grace".

Kind they were, spared a volley for each,

The show of heroism their leaders preach.

Killing unarmed targets in a unprovoked fusilade,

Shouting banners of courage behind their cowardly masquerade.

The cartoonists died but their ideas remained,

The truth they served, led to a misanthropic end.

They questioned with words but were answered with shots;

By the kins of Satan and devil's mascots.

They scorned with pride at freedom's decadence,

For they slit the power of "People's Eloquence".

Tormenting the helpless in all Procrustean ways,

For to them, that is what "Jihadism" says.

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