The numbers were typed,
The codes were done.
All that remained,
Was the shiny green button.
A spark of courage, and I heard the ring
Holding the phone with shaky hands
Wondering what the voice may bring
From the long forgotten lands.
With a hopeful gulp, I closed my eyes,
The ring just as clear.
My mind seemed to visualise,
Memories far and near.
Restless I, with a pinch of fear,
Knowing we would never be here.
The number was same and nothing was new,
But the world had changed for me and you.
Like all dellusions hope lingered by,
I kept listening with a sigh.
The call was ignored , the ring was dead,
But it was all so alive in my head.
The ring had ceased, and the spell was over,
I figured out the meaning of forever.
Tears fell so I wiped my eye,
I smiled at the harsh goodbye.

PoesiaA compilation of poems on issues like human trafficking, war , racism etc. written by Shuvam Roy. I hope you read and enjoy it, please give it a try. :)