Chapter two: The Dalek I

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"Well if you really want me to choose, I guess, ...", suddenly there was a weird beeping noise coming from one of the Displays. And without one of them touching anything the Tardis started to shake and sort of make weird noises.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Solaris asked nervously.

"Yes, that's just what it sounds like when the Tardis dematerializes and when it rematerializes"

After shooting a questioning look at Rose she said "he means when it dissapears and reappears, meaning whenever we travel."

"Right" Solaris said just as the noise stopped.

"So what is it, what's wrong?" Rose asked while they left the Tardis.

"I don't know. Some sort of signal drawing the Tardis off course" the docter explained as Solaris took a look around.

There were a few displays and they were in a corridor but besides that there wasn't much else, so Solaris asked "Where are we?"

"Earth. Utah, North America. About half a mile underground"

"And ... when are we?" Rose asked.

"2012" the doctor replied looking at one of the displays wich showed some sort of small lizard like creatue.

"That isn't far away, I mean you picked me up in 2005."

"Me too, god I should be 26!" Rose added.

Looking around, the doctor flipped a swich turning the lights on. Further away were even more displays.

"Blimey, it's like great big museum."

"An alien museum" the doctor corrected her. And then continued "Someone's got a hobby. They must have spet a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, oondust. That's the milometor from the Roswell spaceship."

Looking around she saw rocks and tech and even a werid green arm with three fingers and claws.

"That's a bit of slitheen! That's a slitheen's arm, it's been stuffed!" Rose said looking at the displayed arm.

"What's a slitheen?"

"It's a sort of Alien, we ran into them before, on earth." Rose explained.

"Oh look at you!" the Doctor suddenly said walking towords a display with a sort of metalish head with cables or something.

All of them slowly walking towards the display Solaris asked "What is it?"

"An old friend of mine ... Well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit ... I'm getting old" the Doctor said clearly reminiscing about his past.

"Is that where the signal's coming from?" Rose asked.

Nah it's stone dead. The signals alive. Something's reaching out. Calling for help." the Doctor said still slightly lost in his own thoughts.

Suddenly alarms start to buzz and beep and then they heard steps and soldiers were aproaching, holding guns pointing at them and then kneeling to the ground.

"Someone's collecting aliens, that makes you two exhibit A." Rose said looking slightly worried at the Doctor.

The soldiers took them all through some corridors and rooms not talking to them, until they entered an office. Two people were already in there and it looked like one of them was showing or explaining some weird object in his hands.

One if them, clearly the younger one, explained "Well, you see the tubes on the side? Must be to channel something, I think maybe fuel."

The doctor mentioned "I really wouldn't hold it like that.", before being told to shut it by a woman who stood next to them, but the doctor repeated "Really though that's wrong"

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