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I grew up with fairytales
Each one roughly the same
The girl is kind and gets the prince
Happily ever after once again
But in this world
This day and age
Not everyone has good intentions
And not all people are the same

Snow White was attempted
To be killed several times
And yet being beautiful
Was her only crime
At the age of 14
She was in her prime
And when tried dead for her beauty
Up the beauty standards she climbed

Cinderella taught us to put up with abuse
She taught us to be kind
No other girl with the same size foot
Could Prince Charming find
She taught us to wait for someone
To help us with a dress newly designed
Instead of standing up
And speaking our minds

Sleeping Beauty taught us to sit
And wait for a strong man to come
The rose bushes tell us
That men are strong and become
The only hope to save us
Yet women can be strong, not dumb
And men overlook the details
About where we come from

And not only Disney does this
But old tales do it better than new
Hansel and Gretel says not to be greedy,
To not follow strangers out of the blue
That if you get kidnapped
Hurt the attacker before they can hurt you
To not fall for tricks and traps
Like most little kids do

The three little pigs
Taught us not to rush
Take your time, do everything right
Don't beat around the bush
The brick house was the strongest one
Cuz the pig took the time to thrush
The other pigs got eaten
Cuz they didn't keep hushed

Little red riding hood
Taught us to obey
Our elders when they give us orders
Of what to do that day
Little red riding hood
Went out of her way
And in the end
She wished she had obeyed

Jack and the beanstalk
Said some things are better unknown
He climbed up the beanstalk
Thinking he was alone
Curious as can be
He entered the giants zone
And barely made it alive
He almost didn't make it home

Fairytales tell good stories
Teach us morals and good deeds
Yet do it in such twisted ways
That make sure we succeed

You may be wondering where this leads
And to that I say
Be kind to others, don't give up
And to you, good things will proceed

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