I: Always and Forever

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Klaus Mikaelson was a ruthless man. Powerful, practically indestructible. Nothing could ever break him. He had spent a thousand years instilling fear in anything and anyone who dared to cross him, never did he think that one day he would fear so deeply himself, but then again, he also never thought he would be father. 

As he stood in the tomb, listening to the steady heartbeat of his unborn child, a feeling he had never experienced washed over him. It shook him to his very core. It felt like he was suffocating as the sound echoed in his ears. He was absolutely petrified. 

Over the course of his long life, when he heard the word father, he immediately associated it with pain, with torture, with a deep and burning hatred, so the fact that he was now faced with becoming one himself was near impossible for him to process. Every memory of Mikael flashed before his eyes as he stared at Briana's abdomen, her hand protectively resting atop it. Every emotion the man who destroyed him caused came flooding back. He couldn't do this. He wouldn't. 

Klaus didn't speak a word as he pushed past his older brother and making his way out of Lafayette Cemetery. Briana hung her head to avoid from the group of people seeing the fear, and disappointment, that was written all over her face. As she blinked away her tears she lifted her eyes to meet Elijah's gaze. 

Elijah offered the young werewolf a look of reassurance with a small nod. He stepped protectively in front of her as he looked back towards Sophie Devereaux who wore a cold expression. 

"No one touches the girl." Elijah instructed, "I will fix this." He spoke sternly but with confidence as Sophie hesitantly nodded. 

He walked past Briana placing a comforting hand on his shoulder before disappearing into the night sky. 


Klaus Mikaelson was no stranger to paranoia. It had been something he struggled with his entire life, the result of treatment by a brute he was forced to call father, but this feeling was different. For the first time, he wasn't afraid of others could do, he was afraid of himself and what he could become.  

He tried to catch his breath as he stormed down the lonely streets of the French Quarter. Shaky breaths escaping his lips and fear filled thoughts swirling in his head when a voice brought him back. 

"Niklaus." Elijah spoke. 

Klaus didn't stop, his voice shaking as he responded, "It's a trick Elijah." 

"No brother. It's a gift." Elijah's words caused Klaus to stop in his paces, "It's your chance. It's our chance."

Klaus could feel his irritation bubbling deep inside him. He didn't want to talk about the child, he didn't even want to think about the child. He just wanted to be alone. 

"To what?" Klaus spoke forcefully, turning to face his older brother. 

"To start over. To take back everything that we've lost, everything that was taken from us." Elijah spoke. 

Elijah could tell Klaus' mind was running wild as he stepped towards him, "Niklaus, our own parents came to despise us. Our family was ruined, we were ruined. And since then, all that you have ever wanted, all that we have ever wanted, was a family." 

Klaus' fear and paranoia was displayed as denial. He couldn't fully process the weight of his new situation, or maybe he just didn't want to come to terms with reality. 

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