VIII: The River in Reverse

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When Briana woke up the next day, the house felt different. Even though it had only been a short time, she had grown used to both Elijah and Hayley being there. As dysfunctional as they were, they were a family. All three original siblings and the two werewolf sisters had become a union in their own unique way. Briana hadn't realized how happy and comforted she felt until it was stripped away. 

Briana sat around a small adorned with breakfast pastries with Rebekah and Klaus to her sides. Briana could tell that despite their relatively good moods, each sibling was silently cross with the other. In typical Briana fashion, she was stuck in the middle, again, and quite literally this time. 

Rebekah leaned back in her chair sipping a cup of piping hot tea, giving her best friend a look with a small role of the eyes as they watched Klaus bite into the wrist of some poor girl he had compelled off the street. 

"Have you spoken to our good friend Marcel today?" Klaus asked his younger sister. 

Rebekah set down her cup, "No should I have?" 

"Well, he's been mysteriously silent, avoiding me, some might say." Klaus chirped as the blood dripped from the nameless woman's wrist into his glass. 

"Well I can't imagine why.." Briana muttered under her breath as she plopped some grapes into her mouth. 

"I thought perhaps he might have whispered reasons into your ears, Rebekah, along with all of those sweet nothings." Klaus teased.

Briana, as a reflex, shot her leg out kicking Klaus firmly in the shin as a warning to shut his mouth. Klaus had already managed to piss off not only one of his siblings, but hers as well. Rebekah was all they had left at the moment. 

Briana shot Klaus a warning glare as the original hybrid winced in pain at the new found stinging sensation in his shin. He grunted in frustration. 

"None of your business." Briana said sternly before picking up her own cup of tea. 

"Thank you." Rebekah silently mouthed to the brunette who winked with a grin in return. 

Rebekah then turned to her brother, her mood souring instantly, "If I see him, I'll be sure to ask if he's till sore at you." She glared at Klaus. 

"Let me give a voice to that look in your eyes.." Klaus taunted with a grin, leaning back in his chair. 

"Please don't." Briana quipped, rubbing her temples in frustration. 

"My saintly, noble brother lies within in agony in the bayou victim of my bastards brother's bite, when only one or two drops of my blood would ease his pain." Klaus taunted completely ignoring Briana's remark. 

Rebekah rolled her eyes, "On the contrary Nik, I am simply enjoying my brekkie with half good company waiting for Elijah's healthy return." She smiled and looked in Briana's direction. 

"Two thirds good company if we are counting my niece." Rebekah smiled light as Briana stifled a laugh. 

Klaus was not amused. He rolled his eyes and leaned forward in his chair, "Oh come on Rebekah, you've been giving me the devil's eye all morning. Out with it." 

Rebekah let out a small sigh, "Perhaps, I'm concerned that if I voice my opinion about what you did to Elijah, I will end up on the wrong side of your toxic hybrid teeth." 

There it is, Briana thought to herself. She knew the peace between Klaus and Rebekah wouldn't last long especially after the prior nights events. 

Klaus slammed his hand down on the table before pointing at his sister with a serious stare, "Poppycock," his voice growing more sincere, "I would never bite you." 

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