XIII: Dance Back From the Grave

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Getting away was nice. For the first time in months Briana got to step outside the craziness and chaos of her own life and instead got to be the innocent bystander in someone else's. Visiting Mystic Falls was comforting. It was like a form of medicine she so desperately needed. She would be clinging the conversations and hugs she had when she left until she sees her people again. 

Until then, while they manage their own lives in Mystic Falls, she needed to return to hers in New Orleans. As Klaus and her walked hand and hand in to the compound, it was clear only one thing has changed in the days of their absence. Their bond was stronger. Before visiting Mystic Falls, there was some new conundrum between the couple every day, now, they've taken time to focus solely on one another, to confide in one another about their true feelings and fears. They were stronger than ever, and Briana was determined to keep it that way. 

Briana looked over to Klaus who had wide smile on his face, his eyes fixated on her as they walked into his family home before a group of vampires. He smiled proudly before addressing them, his hand still in Briana's. 

"Dearest brethren, your attention please." He announced, "No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure..." 

On cue, Theirry made his presence known from behind Briana and Klaus, smiling as he greeted his former friends. 

"..who's supposed to be rotting in the garden for the crime of killing one of our own. And I personally decided to issue him a pardon." Klaus smiled smugly as he unlaced his hand with Briana's, placing it on Theirry's shoulder. 

Briana's smile faded when she noticed Marcel sitting in front of her, a half empty bottle in his hand that he rose for another swig. His eyes were heavy like he hadn't slept in days. He was a physical image of grief. 

"I hope you'll all welcome home Theirry!" Klaus voice boomed in the background as Briana kept her sad eyes on Marcel. 

She wanted to help him, but she knew that the only thing that could take away the pain he was experiencing was for Davina to come back to life, and try as she might, Briana didn't have the power to do so no matter how much she wished she did. 

Klaus moved back to Briana's side who now stood directly next to where Marcel sat. Klaus threw his arm around her shoulder with a wide grin. Clearly proud of himself knowing releasing Theirry would gain him some brownie points with the vampire army he strived to lead. 

Marcel scoffed looking at Klaus, "You're in a good mood. Highly unlike you." Klaus smiled smugly, "You guys should visit Mystic Falls more often." 

Klaus shrugged ironically, "What can I say? I am a very giving person after all." 

Briana could feel the air get stuck in her throat at his sexual innuendo. Her cheeks immediately flushed as his fingertips grazed her shoulder. Klaus rose his eyebrows flirtatiously knowing his remark had riled her up. Briana had to look away to hide her smile. 

"I know I wouldn't mind visiting more often." Briana added when she realized she could keep her composure, winking at Klaus. 

Marcel's head was on swivel between the couple. If he wasn't so depressed, he would be disgusted with the conversation happening right in front of him. 

"As would I. However, at this moment in time I have more pressing responsibilities here." Klaus spoke, poking a small dig at Marcel and his behavior as of late. 

Marcel, unamused by the remark, shot Klaus a stern look before reaching for the bottle. 

Klaus changed his playful tone to one of seriousness as he stepped back from Briana and Marcel. 

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