II: House of the Rising Sun

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It had been a week since the knowledge of Briana's pregnancy had come to light, and she and Klaus still hadn't spoken a word to one another. Briana and Hayley obliged to Elijah's wish of staying at the plantation where they would be safe even though he himself had suddenly disappeared. 

Hayley couldn't wrap her mind around Elijah's sudden disappearance. One day he was here making epic promises of protection and family and the next he was gone. It didn't make sense, but Briana had been around the Mikaelson family long enough to know that everything happens for a reason. Elijah stood against Klaus, no doubt Klaus struck back. 

Briana's mind was her own worst enemy. She had barely slept thinking about her unborn child, and the relationship, or lack there of, with it's father.  Briana was petrified to become a mother, especially one to a child who would no doubt be born with unfathomable power. How was she supposed to handle it? How was she supposed to raise the child without being able to fully understand its magnitude within the supernatural world? Most importantly, how was she supposed to do it all alone?

Briana knew that Klaus would not take lightly to the news of her pregnancy. She realized that before reuniting in New Orleans the two did not leave on the best of terms. Briana was still upset about Klaus withholding the truth of her biological family from her, but despite her better judgement and all logic, right now all she wanted, and needed, was him. 

The former couple moved throughout the house as if they were strangers. They didn't exchange words, and practically avoided each other at all costs. There were brief moments when they would accidentally be in one another's company, sharing brief glances in the other's directions, but still then it felt empty and cold. 

Briana mainly stayed in her designated bedroom. Only leaving for the necessities and to talk to Hayley who was just down the hall. Before everything, she had felt like Klaus' home was also her home. Like it was built on the love they shared. Here, she felt like an unwanted guest. So out of her own respect for him and his space, she tried her best to stay out of sight. 

Briana rested in her bed, staring straight up at the ceiling. Her mind wandering through all the possibilities of having a child. All the emotions and fears flooding over her as a stray tear fell from her eyes. She was overwhelmed, but she would never admit it. She was supposed to be strong. Strong for herself and her child, but on the inside she was falling apart. 

She shot up from her bed with a furrowed brow as she heard a car pull up near to front door of the plantation house. She stayed quiet trying to listen to decipher the voice of the mystery visitor. 

"Who the hell are you?" Briana heard Hayley speak from the hallway just outside her door. 

It was only then that Briana rose her feet to see what was going on. 

"Ah you must be the maid. My bags are in the car. Get them will you?" A familiar voice rang out. A smile forming on Briana's face as she recognized that tone. 

"Hello. Not the maid." Hayley spoke smugly. 

Briana flung open her bedroom door to see Hayley making her way down the stairs to a certain blonde original, fire poker in hand for defense. Briana couldn't help but chuckle at the scene before her. 

"Right. You're Briana's werewolf mystery sister. Where is the mumsie to be anyways?" Rebekah spoke. 

"It's about time you joined the fun." Briana smiled sarcastically from the top of the stairs. 

Rebekah let out a small laugh with a wide smile as Briana made her way down to the first floor. 

"I was expecting to see some sort of supernatural miracle baby bump. I guess you're not showing yet." Rebekah smiled as she wrapped Briana into a hug. 

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