XIV: Crescent City

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"Good morning, beautiful." Klaus said happily placing his arm over Briana's sleeping body, placing soft kisses up and down her arm in hopes of softening the blow of awakening her. 

Briana groaned, still asleep as she rolled out of his grip. Klaus sighed knowing this was going to get ugly. 

"Briana?" He soothed hoping Briana was starting to wake up naturally. 

She didn't budge. Instead she snuggled underneath the blanket a small, tired groan escaping her lips. 

Klaus admitted defeat as he got up out of the bed, already dressed for the day. He walked over to the drapes and grabbed ahold of them as easily as he could. He bowed his head forward and closed his eyes as he mentally prepared himself and tried to build up his own confidence in his actions. 

"God, help me." He mumbled before swiftly opening the drapes, letting the sunshine into the room. The action was so quick it was like he was ripping off a bandaid. 

"Have you lost your mind?!" Briana yelled angrily almost immediately. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up in the bed. 

Klaus collected himself before turning around with a smile, "Oh good you're up!" He cheered playfully, "Now get dressed, we're going to be late." 

"What time even is it?" Briana said in an irritated tone before fixing the pillow supporting her lower back. 

"It's 10.." Klaus trailed with a not so convincing grin. 

Briana tilted her head towards him in disbelief as she crossed her arms over her chest, a scowl on her face. 

"..past 8." Klaus revealed. 

"What?!" Briana yelled tucking herself back into bed, "You know the rules Nik, I'll see you in two hours." 

She closed her eyes to fall back asleep but opened them when she felt the mattress shift beneath her as Klaus sat on the bed beside her. He placed his cold hand on her shoulder to shake her slightly. 

"Sweetheart, please. If you don't get dressed now you're going to be late." Klaus begged Briana. 

"Nik, sweetie, I know sometimes your old age catches up with you, but don't you think we're a little past being concerned if I'm late." Briana said sitting up, her hand rested on her stomach with a smug grin. 

Klaus sighed rubbing his hand over his face, "You know that wasn't what I meant." 

"I know, but it's fun to watch you squirm uncomfortably..." Briana giggled. Klaus always got slightly uneasy when Briana made jokes about her pregnancy or their sex life, but after almost a three years, he figured he can't change her, so he just has to embrace it. 

"..especially at 8 o'clock in the morning, goodnight." Briana said pulling the blanket back over her and attempt to roll onto her side. 

Klaus placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her, "Briana please" He begged, "We have to go." 

"You can't seriously think I'm getting out of this bed before 10 am on a Sunday. It's the day of rest, Nik." Briana looked over her shoulder at him, still wrapped in her warm blanket, "Where could we possibly have to go at this hour anyways?" 

"Church." Klaus responded nonchalantly. 

Briana furrowed her brow immediately, her expression was one mixed of pure confusion and anger. 

"Okay, now I know you're not serious. Good night." Briana said before turning on her side, closing her eyes. 

Klaus sighed, rolling his eyes, which luckily for him, Briana didn't see. He took a calming breath, "I am serious." 

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