XV: Long Way Back From Hell

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Klaus and Rebekah were still nowhere to be found. Elijah was going out of his mind to find his siblings without the slightest inkling of where to start looking. Briana, of course, was playing worst case scenario thinking about where Klaus, and Rebekah, could be and how horribly they were suffering. Marcel and Hayley had not only enlisted themselves to help lead the search party, but have rallied the vampires to join. 

Briana had barely slept, unable to feel comfortable or safe without Klaus at her side. She paced throughout the compound insisting that someone give her something to do to help, an added bonus being it would distract her mind. 

"Marcel please." Briana begged the vampire for something, any sort of information or theory or task she can occupy herself with. 

Marcel was growing more frustrated with the pregnant werewolf with each passing minute, but managed to keep his composure for her sake. He let out a breath, "As soon as I know where to start, or anything for that matter, I'll let you know. For right now, the one thing you can do for me is calm down." 

Briana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, "You've been around long enough to know you should never tell a woman to calm down." 

Marcel chuckled lowly under his breath in hopes Briana wouldn't hear as she frustratingly stomped up the stairs to her room. 

Moments later Elijah entered the compound, "Anything?" He called out to Marcel and the army of vampires he had gathered. 

"They're putting eyes and ears out everywhere. Day walkers are working every contact we got. Cops, dock-workers, guys in the Treme. Word is out." Marcel spoke calmly filling Elijah in on the latest, lack there of, discoveries. 

"Anyone trying to earn favor with me gets a lifetime of it if they find them." Marcel added. 

"Good. I need a pen and paper." Elijah spoke relatively calm as he turned to make his way up the stairs. 

Marcel grabbed his arm to turn Elijah's attention back to him, "Elijah. We do have one problem."

Elijah furrowed his brow. 

"Briana" Marcel informed, "She's getting restless. If we don't come up with something soon, she's going to go looking for a solution herself and you know as well as I do if something happens to her or that baby Klaus will reign down hell on all of us as soon as he gets back." 

Elijah's expression turned darker, "Marcel. You do what you have to do to keep her out of this no matter what it takes" He demanded. Marcel nodding in agreement despite knowing it would not be an easy task. 

"Now. A pen and paper." Elijah said completely changing the subject as he made his way into his study. 

Marcel, unlike with Briana, did not harbor his frustration with the noble original. Asking him to keep an eye on Briana was one thing, but Marcel was not going to fall victim to completing every one of Elijah's mindless orders. 

"I want her back just as much as you do, you know." Marcel spoke calmly, "both of them." 

He then turned to fetch the pen and paper despite his own irritation as Elijah removed his suit jacked, and began to unbutton his shirt. 

"Hayley!" Elijah called out. Briana's ears perked up upon hearing his voice even from down the hall. 

"Elijah! You're back. Did you find anything.." Hayley spoke, her voice trailing as she was met with Elijah's half naked body. She stood frozen, shocked, but pleasantly surprised taking in the view. 

She looked over to Marcel was searching through Elijah's desk, unfazed by the scene before him. 

"What is happening?" Hayley questioned as she stepped closer to Elijah, her eyes still fixated on his chest, which was scattered with tattoo-like ink. 

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