Making Friends

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     Thank god, any more self loathing would've made my food taste worse. Matthew slid his wallet back into his pocket, internally groaning at the ¥10,000 hole he just put in his wallet. It wasn't a date, but Matthew paid for the lion's share of the bill regardless; Hado insisted they go Dutch but Matthew refused, against his better judgment. Something, something, chivalry, something... whatever, UA gives me an allowance anyway. Ice-Water Soup for tomorrow's dinner it seems.

     "Thanks Matthew, I really appreciate that. I'll spot you next time we go out."

     "No problem. So, onwards to Yukino's house?"

     "Yep, let's get moving." Hado pulled out her phone for a moment, pocketing it as she began walking. "The other two just went ahead so they're already there, let's not be too late."

     "Roger." Matthew threw up a mock salute and stood at attention, earning him a gentle punch on the shoulder. Once again they opened up their umbrellas and began walking, the rain pouring noticeably heavier than it had been prior to their meal. "It's raining really hard now, how far away is Yukino's house? I'd rather the two of us not catch cold."

     "We're a good 15 minutes away right now, we'll be fine. Are you cold?" Matthew shivered, blowing warm air into his free hand and placing it on his neck.

     "A little. I really like rainy weather, but rather when I'm inside and not in the rain."

     "Really? Why's that? Oh, does it have something to do with your quirk?"

     "Yeah, I have a harder time using my quirk when it's cold so I usually make an effort to dress warm and avoid being outdoors when it's raining."

     "How does that work? Don't you just use oxygen for your quirk?"

     "Yeah, but being cold lowers your blood flow; since blood carries oxygen, the circulation I need for my quirk is cut down and it makes it harder to use." Nejire's eyes were bright and focused, always eager to hear more about Matthew's quirk.

     "Ohhhh, that makes sense! Well here, try this." Nejire stepped under Matthew's umbrella and closed her own, wrapping her arm around his. A yellow glow enveloped their arms, a gentle warmth (and some light pressure) blanketing his arm. "There, is that better?"

     "A lot, thanks Hado. I didn't know your quirk was warm like this."

     "Well yeah, it uses my energy. Of course it's warm! I'm just a warm person!" The two laughed before settling into a comfortable silence, Hado's hand remaining around Matthew's. After a few minutes of walking Hado turned to Matthew, an amused grin on her face. "Say, Matthew. How do you suppose you're going to get any studying done tonight?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "We've got two tests, who's classes are they for again?"

     "Midnights and Present Mi-" Matthew stopped mid sentence, the realization dawning on him. "Oh for fuck's sake." Hado just laughed.


     "You're kidding right? There's no way Yukino lives here." The pair stood in front of a gate, behind which stood a mansion. Easily 4 stories tall, the property size was impressive enough as it was.

     "Indeed she does. You know she's the heiress to the Yukino Conglomerate, right? This year they just breached the Yaoyorozu Family's net worth."

     "So I heard, but dear god..." Matthew looked upwards, craning his neck to an extent. Hado stepped forward and faffed about the gate, clearly looking for something. "Looking for a doorbell, Hado?"

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