Halloween concert

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***Nico's POV***

It was Tuesday.

I hate Tuesdays.
(A/N: I actually hate Tuesdays... they suck)

I pulled on a black CHB Hades cabin T-shirt (Black with the CHB logo but a scull instead of a Pegasus all cabins have one) and dark blue jeans and headed off to the Pavilion. I was greeted with the familiar sound of the campers extremely loud chatting and it was the start of the normal camp day. I got my food and looked for a shadow but I couldn't find one. An Apollo kid must have been working his magic here. Weird.

"Hey Nico!"I turned to the voice and saw the Apollo cabins head counsilor (A/N: Is that how you spell it?), Will Solace,"Where you goin'"

"Why do you care?"I spat, quite harshly.

"Aww, Nico i'm hurt" he put his hand over his chest in mock sadness while I rolled my eyes.

"Now if you'll excuse me I need to go eat, my food is getting cold"


I walked over to the Hades table, stopped and looked behind me. THAT SUNSHINE BOY HAD THE SKITTLES TO FOLLOW ME! I just ignored him and ate my lunch when heard a thud to my left, my right, infront of me and behind me and an "ow". I didn't bother looking up but I did when the sun was suddenly blocked out and the Pavilion went quiet. It is never quiet.
I looked up to see all the Apollo campers surrounding my table.

"What do you want?"I said as calmly as possible.

"We're just accompanying you"said Rachel, Will's half sister. She had just recently been claimed but Apollo didn't come down to earth and turn her hair blonde (yet) so she still has brown flowy hair and light blue-grey eyes.


"Campers!" all heads turned to Chiron as he trotted in in Centaur form,"To make things fun this Halloween, Mr.D and I have decided that 25 people will compete in a competition. It will be a contest to find CHB a band that will play at all special occations"
Chiron continued, "There can only be 5 groups with five people in each. There will alson be three rounds before halloween itself and the winning team will peform their winning song for the Olympians and it will be broadcasted live on Hephaestus TV! You also need one person to choreograph your dance routine and be the person who signs all the stuff. A manager. And yes, need to do dancing as well. Rules and sign up sheets are on the Big House door. Good luck!"

And with that he cantered away.

***time skip***

Later I heard a knock on my Cabin door.

"It's open!"I shouted and Percy, Jason, Leo, Will and Frank walked in.

"Hey guys, wassup"

"We need to ask you if you'd want to join our band?"asked Jason. An excuse, I need an excuse.

"I can't play"

"Then why do you have a fully assembled drum set over there-"Frank started before he was cut off by Leo.

"Which has "Happy birthday, Nico! Daddy loves you from your loving father Hades" engraved on the side?"




"Yeah" they said in sync, crossing their arms.

And all I could think was.




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