Sorry, Leo

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~0~Rachel's POV~0~

A tear slipped out of my eye as I gripped the photo so tight, that it ripped a little in my hands.

I traced the faces with my fingertips and my eyes flickered to the rubbish bin to my left.

I felt the hot liquid flow down my cheeks rapidly but it didn't smear any of the make-up Calypso did for me.

I stuffed in my jeans pocket and wiped my tears quickly when I heard Leo running towards my place backstage, "Hey M"

"Hi M"and together we make M&M, I giggled in my head.

"Why are you crying?"he had a concerned look on his face, wiping away the remaining tears.

"I'm just so proud of my friends"I lied while letting the fake tears take over.

"Well, I'm proud of you too, Rachel"he gave me a quick hug before running to get the Valdezinator 2.0.
But I confused him by shouting after him, "Try not to slip on any of my lucky breadcrumbs"

At then corner of my eye I felt somebody's glare.


*.*Annabeth's POV*.*

Lucas walked up onto the stage, tapping the mic impatiently.

"We have the 4 lucky bands who will be going on to the next round"the crowd of demigods cheered as he held up a golden envelope.

"Ok so the first band with the most points are . . . The Stripy Unicorns!

Second is Electric Whiplash and third, The Dark Side!

And the last band is. . . Auto Grip!"

"Okay, so, let's give it up for the bands that were cut Static Angels and the Sparrows and the date of the next round will be out soon"Lucas finished as he walked off the stage.

•*•Time skip•*•

As I walked back to my cabin, I saw Rachel running up to me faster than Percy running for blue cookies. And that's saying something.

"Annabeth! Oh my gods you have to help me!"she was out of breath and she had an I-am-so-panicking-right-now-and-I-really-care face on.

"Woah, Rach, what's wrong" I asked.

"My make-up won't come off!"she was practically crying now.

"Who did your make-up?"


I grabbed her arm and dragged her over to Piper's cabin, passing Percy, Jason, Leo, Frank and Will who were all heading to cabin 13.

Knock knock knock

Lacy opened the door, "Hey Annabe- Rachel what's wrong?"

"Lacy, where's Piper?"

After what seemed like fifty years, we finally found Piper lying down on her bed, reading a dark brown leather book with golden words etched on.

"Pipes. . . Piper. . . PIPER MCLEAN!"she jumped up snapping the book shut and sending dust everywhere in the process.

"Oh, um, hi guys?"It came out more of a question but at least she was paying attention.

:::::::::time skip 😆 :::::::

Piper dropped the last of the Rachel's used up tissues in the bin and led us to the door,

"The make up that Calypso used on you was one of Drew's and your lucky coz' it is only unwashable for 1 week. See ya tomorrow girls"

"Night Piper"we replied as we parted ways towards our cabins.

.:.Calypso's POV.:.

He shook his head as tears streamed down his face endlessly.

"I'm sorry, Leo, I really am"

He shook his head and sighed trying to rub away the tears.

"No, Piper warned me and I should've listened. Your just big fat cheater; I don't need you"


"No . . .just leave" I did as he wanted and heard crashing and shattering sounds coming from behind me.

What have I done?




You have permission to hate me for not updating and breaking up Caleo but. . . I always thought that Calypso would leave Leo for some other "hero".


I mean really he invented scrawny.

I will update soon but I am not promising since it is the holidays. But yeah, should Caleo get back together? Or should I leave them as friends?
Or I could do something evil to them like in MoA (isn't a bad idea)



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