Bowat the duck

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***Will's POV***

Chiron sighed and rubbed his forehead as he inspected Amorpha's shoe. His eyebrows scrunched in concentration and he stroked his beard.

"It was most likely a prank from the Hecate kids but..."Chiron said, wheeling round and putting the shoe on the shelf behind him.

"...they would only prank somebody if they were given something in return." I continued.

"That means Amorpha must have done something super bad to have her own she grow legs and kick her in the head. And who do you think would do this?"I asked. Chiron only shook his head.

The door opened and Rachel came in,"Scarlet's awake, Will. I think she remembered something."

***Time skip***

"I-i know-w! I-I remember w-why."she stuttered. Her eyes widened before glowing white and her arms shook at her sides as if she was struggling against some invisible force.

"Oh great! William Solace what in Hades' Realm have you done now!"Rachel shouted over the weird droning and rumbling sound coming from Scarlet. There was a blinding white light and I shielded my eyes from it with my hands.

After the light died down, I looked to where Scarlet should have been on the infirmary bed but all there was, were ashes.

"Oh my gods..."I looked beside me to see Rachel with a shocked expression on her face. I looked up to 'Scarlet' and I sighed. I got up and brushed the pieces of Scarlet/ashes off my shirt and walked towards the door.

I looked back at Rachel who was still looking at the pile,"Go get a dustpan and brush and clean this mess up." I sighed once more before walking out and closing the door behind me.

***At the Big House***

Chiron shook his head,"Scarlet just disintegrated and you still want to go on your date with Nico?"

"Yes, it's what she would have wanted." I smiled slightly and leaning on the wall.

"No! She would rather have been put in the raspberry jam jar then the Strawberry one!"Rachel shouted from the other side.(A/N:I know what your thinking. Don't start singing Adele in the comments).

Chiron smiled,"Okay have fun but be back before dinner."

"Thanks Chiron!"I grinned and reached for the door handle.

"And Will?"


"Don't mess up."

"I'll try not too."

*^^*Time Skip*^^*

I waited outside the Hades cabin for Nico. What was taking him so long?  I sat down, leaned against the door and stared at the sky. I ignored the loud crashing noises and swear words coming from the other side of the door(A/N: Don't comment here...). I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

***15 minutes later***

I woke up to the feeling of somebody poking my forehead.

"Hey! Uh, if you're looking for Nico he's ...I don't even know!"the random girl kept poking my forehead even though i was awake. I pushed her hand away and stood up. Then it dawned on me. Nico went to my cabin but he didn't take the front door because I was sleeping on it. Hmm...weird... 

"Oh okay, do you know where he is?"I asked the random girl.

"Did you even here what I said? No, I don't but my duck might be able to help you. She's a sniffer duck. Say hi to Will, Bowat!" I looked behind her to see a small white duck with a yellow beak. It quacked loudly.

"Wait how do know my name?"I asked, slightly scared.

"Oh, I'm the captain of the Solangelo Club but anyway, Bowat will help you look for Nico. Good luck!" she gave me a thumbs up and jumped into a nearby bush.

Can't a demigod do anything normal without anything ruining it?

Okay, sorry for not updating an actual chapter but as I said before, anime has taken over my life. Hopefully their date will be in the next chapter or the one after that. ALSO CATS CATS CATS CATS 

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