Love letters and sleepovers

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Warning minor HOH spoilers! Sorry if it's suckish and short




2 weeks after the last chapter

•One week till the second round of the contest

•4 weeks till Halloween

*¥*Nico's POV*¥*Flashback and the TV*¥*

"Hey, Nico"I turned around to see the face of Will Solace and a blush creeped up my neck.

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his tattered jeans and asked me what activity I had next.

"Archery. You?"

"Hey, me too! An that is in . . . Two minutes! Lets hurry" he yanked my freezing hand with him.

I allowed myself to smile a little at that.

*^^*Aphrodite's POV*^^*

Some people think that all I do is find people and make them fall in love, break them up or other sad stuff blah blah blah but I am way more. I have 5 jobs a day and I also have a lot of hobbies and... interests.

Shut up

I'm not the horrible[ly beautiful sounds way better] goddess who confused Luke Castellan about his crushes, squished all of Thalia Grace's chances at love(A/N: I ship Thaluke), made Percy Jackson utterly oblivious to all the girls who liked him, had Annabeth Chase wait years for her love to see her the way she sees him and I didn't of tripped them up making them fall...badly. Blame Nemesis!

Pfft. I just put some sprinkles and decorations on their cake thats all.

Anyway, I was sitting the café up on Olympus when saw Hades getting a very bitter black coffee while mumbling something like, "Kids and their skeletons"

And of course that reminded me of my unfinished business on Nico di Angelo so here I am, watching him on my TV.

"Beep beep beep, message from DrewIsBæ. Open?"my TV asked.



Me: Drew, hon, wat can mommy do fr u today?

Drew: U know dat luv potion I bought?

Me: Yeh...

Drew: It mitev accidentally slipt into that gurlz drink

Me: *sigh* whoz waz it?

Drew: Tina Brace

Me:  You mean Thalia Grace

Drew: Yeh...

Me: Perfect. Doz Artemis know?

Drew: Well she thnks so butt it waz me pretendin to be her

Me: How long will this last?

Drew: Until the beginning of da last rownd

Me: K


I rubbed my hands together.

Get ready for Aphrodite's love ride, Nico

*^Nico's POV^*

"OMGS GUYS"Leo burst in a while we were "hanging out in cabin" 7.

"What?"we asked simultaneously.

"We're having a- drum roll- SLEEPOVER"he squealed and we groaned.

"We'll have it in my cabin"I blurted out as heads whipped round to me in shock, "Percy's cabin smells like fish"i finished quickly with a shrug. Not so sassy now, Perce.
We all laughed at his face which looked like a pepper... Or a tomato... A peppato!

"Yeah, it'll give us a chance to work out our next song"Will said flashing me a blinding white smile even though it was Leo's idea.

-_-At the sleepover-_-

"NOOOOOOOO NEMO"Percy dived over his nemo stuffed toy and rolled to the left, dodging my pillow/weapon.

Just as I concluded my evil laugh Leo finished building his pillow slope and Will slide down it backwards, knocking me down. My head landed on his chest, facing the ceiling and Jason flat on it with Leo's "big pile of schist" cushion to protect him.
Unfortunately, Frank through his spear from behind the slope at it, sending feathers raining down on us.

We burst out laughing and only when Will sat upright, I realised that i was still on him. As he laughed, his nose crinkled in a cute way.
I guess I was staring too long because Jason spoke up, "I would ask you guys to clear up as well but I wouldn't want to ruin you beautiful moment"

To make it even worse Leo and Percy started humming Can you feel the love tonight from The Lion King even when we got up and helped tidy up.

"Ugh, I cried when Mufasa died"Will groaned, succeeding in starting a conversation.

Leo jumped onto a my bed and began making a shadow puppet scene, "Yeah it was all like...


Will sniffled from behind me and I shook my head. He was such a baby.



"Oh my gods, Nico, thats a letter with hearts on. Who'd give you a letter with hearts on it"Jason exclaimed excitedly sneaking glances at Will who was glaring at the crumpled paper in his hands.

Will grabbed the letter from Jason, his cheeks flushed and suggested, "Why don't we just shred it and not read it at all?"

"Nah"they said together.

Okay, so they wanted to read my love letter? It was mine and it might not even be a love letter.

"Do I get a say in this?"

All heads turned to me, "Nah"

Dear Nico...




I am so sorry I haven't updated in ages. I Just had....stuff, ya know?
Well, don't worry about the Solangelo it will come. Worry about Caleo.
I won't say anymore. You can't make me.


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