She's your girlfriend?

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*~Annabeth's POV~*

I wiped the sweat of my forehead and made a dive for my water bottle when Rachel gave us a break. We've been working on the song for the next round...again.
Thalia's had off days but not as off as this day. Something was bothering her and I don't know if Artemis knows but I'm sure I have to.

"Thals, whats up? You seem distracted"

She looked up, her eyes crossed slightly, "I'm fine, I just feel...."

She collapsed.

¥$Thalia's POV$¥ (when she woke up)

I opened my eyes slightly to see a white ceiling(don't ask me how I know it's a ceiling).

"She just collapsed, like that and Annabeth was like, oops and she dropped her. It was kinda funny"Rachel giggled quietly.
I lifted up my arm only to feel it slap down on my forehead.

I was exhausted. What was I doing this morning? Then I remembered and it echoed through my mind like Aphrodite's voice was in my head.

You love Nico di Angelo, son of Hades

"Thalia your awake"Artemis knocked me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah"I replied, my throat was really dry and I could feel the awkwardness between me and everyone else in the room. Luckily, Will came and sat me up but his grip was hard and he glared as if he knew what I was thinking.

"Your fine but you need a few hours rest. Your-"

He was cut off by my Nico running in, "Thalia are you okay? Have you broken anything? Is... Artemis is still here" We all looked at her and she asked if she could talk to me later and I agreed.

*^^*Nico's POV*^^*

I was just hanging out in my cabin. Alone. Thinking about Thalia and her letter.

Knock knock knock

I ignored it.

"I know you're in there Death Boy"Will continuously knocked. I checked to see if I looked presentable and then opened the door.
He looked really good today even though he was wearing normal jeans and a CHB top. Strands of his wavy blonde hair was dangling in front of his eyes and I couldn't help but brush it behind his ear. My fingers grazed his cheek and I probably resembled a tomato when I felt a tiny spark.

"So..."I started.

To be continued...

(A/N: I've always wanted to do that)

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