That place with the stuff

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Ugh, I finally updated after a long writers block :(. Yeah I will try to get the date done in the next chapter. Thnks fr th 3K vws gys XD!!!!! And, for anybody who does know Fall Out Boy, can you spot the Pete?




***Will's POV***

I face palmed.

Rachel probably killed Bowat.

Florka's going to kill me.

XO This is good bye :'(.

"Rachel stop! You're going to kill the poor duck."I pulled Bowat closer to me to stop Rachel from feeding her M&Ms. So far, nobody had seen Nico and we checked everywhere on camp. It's like he disappeared...

"Uh Will?"

"What?"I snapped, still hugging Bowat.

"The ducks growing."

"Oh my gods, Rachel what did you do!?"

***Time Skip***

*^^*Nico's POV*^^*

The last time I saw Will, he was sleeping outside my cabin. Right now I'm running around with Florka trying to find her duck. She said that Will had it so...

I got Jason and Percy to help me pick out some clothes but they started fighting so I had to escape round the back of my cabin ,with Hazel's help, but Will wasn't in front of my cabin after that. We're checking the arena now but it's getting a little boring now. Maybe he was just trying to make fun of me and WAIT. What if he isn' me? What if he was playing a really big joke? What if he secretly hates me?!

"Nico, I found Bowat!"Florka shouted to me. I looked up to see this giant duck and Will clinging to his neck. It quacked so loudly I swear my eardrums burst. Soon a large crown of campers had gathered round the giant duck. Will waved down at me, slightly more comfortable on Bowat.

"Hey, Nico! This is our ride ,by the way, so get on." he gave me a bright smile as Jason threw me over his shoulder and flew me up to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his shoulder, blushing madly (A/N:This is so awkward...). I felt the feathers move as we soared higher into the sky. I closed my eyes and smiled.

"Where exactly are we going, Will?" I asked, my voice slightly muffled by his shirt.

"Well, my Dad recently wentz to this place with this girl and he said it was cool and had lots of stuff. So, since you like stuff I thought I might take you there but don't panic there is food."he replied, drumming his fingers on Bowat's feathers.


I schooled my head and said sarcastically,"Wow, thanks Will for telling me where we are going."
He just laughed and patted my had, which was still around his waist by the way,"It was all I could say without spoiling the surprise."

"I hate surprises."

"You're going to love this one, Nico."

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