So I don't lose you

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fall Out Boy or any of their songs...DX




*¥*Will's POV*¥*

I climbed of Bowat and helped Nico down. You should have seen his face when I carried him by his waist XD. It was like 0////////0.
As soon as we got down, Bowat returned to the size of a normal duck. I grinned, grabbed Nico's hand and pulled him to the entrance of 'the place'.
"Here we are."I sang happily, watching Nico's reaction.

**~Nico's POV~**

My jaw dropped. We were at the front of a crowd of screaming fangirls and boys. In front of us was a huge stage with bright lights and...lots of people.

"I heard you singing a lot of songs by Fall Out Boy when I passed your cabin so I decided to get us tickets. It was easy since my dad knows them."he flashed be a blinding grin.

"Your dad knows them?"I asked him, slightly surprised.

"Yeah, they're demigods and my dad enjoys their music. One time, he wrote a haiku for them and in return they wrote Centuries for him."
(A/N:I made that up by the way and Centuries was a song that sounded like it would be made for Apollo so..)

I internally screamed in my head. How. Did. I. Not. Know. This. EeeEeyyYYYy!!!!

Suddenly, the crowd started screaming and pushing. I looked up at the stage and saw them walk onto the stage.

As Patrick said hi and all that stuff I zoned out. I was pulled back when I felt warm fingers slip into mine.

I looked up at Will,blushing, "It's so I don't lose you."

*Time Skip to after the concert*

After the concert had ended, we wandered off and talked. I got to know more about him and he was interested in some things that I liked. Unfortunately, I learned that he wasn't the best at reading maps or keeping track of where he was going so we got lost quickly.

Where are we now?

In a park somewhere or maybe a forest. I didn't even know where we were. Will's hand was still in mine and I could feel him shaking.

"Are you cold?"I asked him.

"No. I'm not cold, why would I be cold? It definitely isn't cold out here. See? No cold air"He said frantically while waving his arms about like a hyper Leo. We tried whistling for Bowat but we couldn't whistle and we couldn't call anybody or we would attract monsters. On top of that, it was getting dark really quickly and I felt like I was in Slender Man.

"Trees, trees, trees to my left."I sang and looked to my left. (A/N:Dan and Phil anybody?)

"No, please don't do that, Nico"I grinned evilly as Will hugged my arm.

"Trees, trees, trees to my right"I looked to my right to see more trees.

"Trees, trees, trees to my back." I looked behind me too see a figure standing behind a tree. However, Will saw this too and screamed. He pulled my arm and we ran as fast as we could.

"Nico! Look what you did! I'm alright with you raising that dead with my permission but summoning slender man is taking it way too far!"he shouted at me as we ran towards a large tree.

"I didn't summon him! Why would-"I bumped into something that felt like a person. I tumbled onto the ground while bringing Will down with me.

"It's past your curfew, Nico. You've been out with this sunshine boy and you didn't tell me? It's that fish guy all over again. And is it true that you have been trying to summon slender man?"




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