Weird Day

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Sorry I haven't updated in ages :(. I'm so sorry. Homework and I had a writers block for the first time ever! I was literally sitting there staring at my iPad. Anyway enjoy the chapter :D



***2 weeks later***
***Day of the finals***

*^^*Meh's POV*^^* (A/N:The dragon knows all...)

Unfortunately, Electric Whiplash didn't gmake it to the next round. Thanks to Dean and I, before we crashed into the newly built stage. But yeah, that's life.
After we found out that we were going to the final round, Leo threw a mini party which I didn't  attend. The Stripy Unicorns and The Dark Side had to create a song by Imagine Dragons that they will sing for Halloween but they had to do it without their managers. I like Nico but not Thalia. Everywhere Nico go she just happens to be and she sends him these death glares when she broke up with him. It doesn't help that the Aphrodite girls made a newspaper with an update of the contest and ships and OTPs and stuff. They found out that Dean was the guy who fell out of the sky(hey! That rhymes) and it turns out,that he was searching for Scar. We knew he was telling the truth when she hugged him and said that he jogged her memory. Also, Leo and Rachel made up and there is less drama than there was before, luckily.

Oh, that's the Conch horn. I hope Dean gives me pie today. :D

*^*Will's POV*^*

Scar and I have been planning on how I could ask Nico out and in return I would help her get back her memories. I've been avoiding Jason and Percy recently because I didn't want them to be sad or mad at me which was probably what they would do.

I looked over to the Zeus table and cought Jason reading a book as if it was the best thing that ever happened to him since Piper. Jason doesn't normally read books at the pavilion and the 6 more books stacked beside him made the situation weirder. I bushed it off and went back to staring at Nico.

***3 minutes***

I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around I saw Jason...giggling at me from behind his book.

"Did Leo give you some M&Ms too, Jason?"I asked, hoping that he hadn't.

"No, I'm just really excited"he giggled.

"For what?"

"Percy and I have worked out phase 2 of *whispers*Operation Solangelo"

I panicked. I couldn't tell them that Scar was helping me with Nico but I couldn't lie either.

"What are you reading?"I asked Jason, changing the subject. He paled.


"OMG BRUH WHICH BIT ARE YOU AT?"Percy skipped towards us.

"OMG IT'S SO CUTEEEE. I..."Jason paused and they both looked at me. I only just realised that the whole pavilion was staring at us. Then Chiron stood up and all eyes shifted to look at him.

"Congratulations to the The Stripy Unicorns and The Dark Side for making it to the final round. Also, to the new campers, today is Jumbled Day or, as you kids call it, Weird Day where all the activities are jumbled up and you have to do them with a particular person. The pairs are put up over here." The campers pushed their way to the spare table with the pairs and I spotted Nico trying to slip his way through to the front. It wasn't working.
"Need help Death Boy?" I asked, holding back my laugh.
He tensed and his eyes widened,"Look-" I think what he was going to say was "look out!"but it was a little too late. I felt something hard slam into my back and I jerked forward. I noticed the sharp edge of the table in front of Nico and I wrapped my arms around his stomach to stop him from bashing the back of his head on it. The campers above us made a shadow so Nico shadow travelled to under the table.
We were still in the same position and for a moment there was silence between us.

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