𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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You casually strolled to the front door, fixing your belt while Choso was still in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for him, shirtless and just some light white pants hanging loosely on his hips accentuating his muscular body. His hair was not tied, but rather framing his face in dark strands washing down his shoulders. He looked so attractive, just in casual attire and messy hair that you didn't even want to leave to meet that scarfaced hunchback again.

"Are you leaving already?" He peeked out from the kitchen cabinets as you readied yourself for the day, fixing your hair, tying your boots up to your knees and fastening the belt of the Katana you would be carrying on your back.

"Yeah, I'm already late. I need to get going.", you mumbled into your black scarf. You needed to brace yourself for the interaction with Mahito beforehand so he couldn't embarrass you even more than you already were, and you internally rolled your eyes to the back of your head in frustration of the coming events.

A small peck on Choso's cheek and a hushed goodbye later, you were already out the door and walking to the spot where you'd meet Mahito. While walking, all of your thoughts circled around the mission and you could finally concentrate on how you were going to get one of Sukuna's fingers into your hands and bring it back to Kenjaku. Either way – you had to endure Mahito's annoying ass personality for the rest of the day and also rely on his help if you were to get in trouble. 

The plan for you was not getting caught and trying to get in and out of there as fast as possible, hopefully not needing to get someone out of the way in the meantime. Even if Mahito decides to go about on his own, you could handle yourself very well and you'd be able to fight back if need be.

"Holà mi Corazón!!" Mahito's singing voice stopped you in your tracks and you instantly facepalmed so hard you could have given yourself a concussion. You turned around and acted like you didn't know him, speeding up your steps in the opposite direction, but he was fast and caught up right away, grinning like a maniac. 

He wiggled his brows when you finally had the courage to look at him, your cheeks flushed, even if you didn't want to make yourself feel ashamed again. "Did you 'have fun' on your anniversary, y/n?", he chuckled and his self-absorbed smirk just widened again.

You cocked your head, ready to spew out whatever came to your mind, while you were stepping around his figure in front of you. "Actually - Now that you ask – Yeah, I did!" Your honey coated voice was just a mere lie, as you continued with an almost alluring tone. "But... Mahito," you deviously smiled at him, blinking slowly, "Did you enjoy the free audio porn? Next time we're going to have to charge you if you keep doing that."

His jaw dropped and you had to hold back a laugh at his bewildered expression, that all so suddenly appeared on his face. He knew you had always been good in arguments, but he didn't expect that kind of comeback from you, when you had been so flustered before. "I- You..-" he stuttered, his eyes widening in astonishment, "I didn't mean to-... He butt-dialed me!!!"

"Yeah, right..." You chuckled to yourself, shaking your head before you looked back at him, rooted in his spot. "Next time I'll send you the bill." Another laugh echoed in the crisp morning air around you, and you turned around, winking at him – sassy as you could be.

He ran up to you, still there was some hint of a confused and surprised expression on his face as he now walked beside you, entering the building to listen to the full extent of the plan, that Kenjaku figured out. 

You have never seen Mahito speechless, and even if you thought that today would be your demise, it actually started out really good. Tough the cocky mood you were in was not about to be lashed out at Kenjaku, he could be cruel even if he acted as smooth as a polished black diamond. 

"Good morning." Kenjaku greeted both of you with a bow, which you returned without saying anything, but Mahito just nodded, not even thinking about returning the courteous gesture to him. What an idiot. 

Even if you didn't like Kenjaku, this is the least you could do to thank him for getting you out of your past life and introduce you to your now-boyfriend. You didn't really care about the others, though.

The only thing you had to do was get back what once belonged to you, to regain the power you once had, and unleash it onto the world. If it meant being in service of cursed spirits like Kenjaku, you had to go through with it. 

He stepped closer to you and sat down in front of the small table on the floor, gesturing you to do the same.

You looked at Mahito, nodding and kneeling down next to him and taking a sip of the tea Kenjaku prepared. The steaming cup was placed on the table again as he began explaining the plan to both of you while the scent of peppermint filled up the air around you. Throughout the explanation, every now and then you nodded, then Mahito did.

Before you left the room, Kenjaku wished you luck and you bowed once more as he turned around to sit on the small mat at the top of the wooden bench in the far back of the room. You glanced at Mahito after the door closed behind you and you loosened a breath of relief, Mahito now smiling brightly in anticipation of the mission.

He loved it. You, on the other hand, dreaded the outcome of the whole day from the first hour you had awoken.  

Though you were kind of nervous to get started, Mahito was skipping ahead of you full of joy and you casually wandered a few feet behind him as you made your way to Jujutsu High. The wind that slightly tickled your face twirled around the cherry blossoms that fell to the ground, and you already braced yourself for the battle that was about to come.

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