𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟔

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On your way to your room, Nanami crossed your path again and with pinched brows his eyes followed you – past him, storming off and slamming your door shut behind you. You didn't even acknowledge him.

You didn't even pay attention. You didn't even try to.

A little taken aback, Nanami glanced towards the door that was still vibrating from the force that you used.

"Y/N?" His voice was muffled through the wood, but you heard his knocks loud and clear.

He cracked the door open slightly, stepping foot inside your room as you threw off the jacket you were wearing while training. It landed on the bed, together with your pants and you turned around at Nanami's voice. You were still mad at that white-haired man's antics and you didn't know how Nanami had put up with him for so long. How he even could put up with shit like that.

You crossed your arms on your chest, your body now almost naked and glistening with sweat. "How do you put up with him. Really, I want to know." you blurted out, throwing your hands through the air.

Nanami knew exactly who you meant with that, and he knew something was up. "Gojo?" he chuckled, shaking his head, "You get used to it. Now – what did he do?"

"I wanted to ask him about the Zenin's, just like you told me to, but he –" you stammered, angry words spilling out of your mouth, "– he didn't even let me finish my sentence and agreed to the threesome I wasn't even about to offer!"

"He –" Nanami's eyes widened at what he heard, making his mouth drop open in shock. "He agreed to a threesome? Between... You, me and him? That you didn't even ask him to?"

"YES!" you yelled, throwing yourself on the bed in frustration, "I wanted to ask him about the Zenin's and not a fucking threesome. But you know, he told me 'he just assumed'." You rubbed your face, anger rushing through your veins at your short temper and that you didn't even find out a crumb of information.

Even though Nanami knew that Gojo only wanted to be funny – like he always did and rarely was – he was surprised at the hint of jealousy that went through him.

Did he catch feelings for you?

No – this couldn't be.

He didn't know you for that long to deem it certain.

He brushed it off, though, didn't even give it a second thought because you both agreed to no obligations and he didn't want to be the one to force you to something you didn't want.

"Just try to talk to him again, I'm sure he'll tell you after some time." he reasoned.

"The problem is, I don't even know how I could. It's different every time I talk to him, sometimes he tells me about things that are on his mind and we have a honest and deep conversation and a few hours later – he's just an asshole again."

It was true, you never knew which side he was on when you talked to him, and every time you think you could really get used to him, he shatters that extra bond that you somehow had immediately with this facade that he put on. Or maybe he just was this cheerful, flirty and overjoyed person and he just trusted you enough to let loose every now and then.

But why you?

You needed to clear your mind for a bit. No matter the weather.

"I need to get out for a bit." You stood up, grabbing the sweater by the desk and slipped on some comfortable pants. "It's pouring outside." Nanami stated, watching you grab the doorhandle beside him as you rushed past him. "Can I borrow your umbrella, then?" He looked at you puzzled, as you glanced over your shoulder to him.


It was really raining buckets when you stepped out, but you just needed some space to gather your thoughts.

Walking along the trail, you skipped over puddles of mud and water, just putting one foot in front of the other, running your mind about an opportunity to find out what you wanted to know.

"Hey!" Panting, someone was running up to you. And you knew exactly who it was. "Stop, Y/N!"

Gojo grabbed you by your wrist to finally stop you from walking and you turned around, an annoyed expression on your face as he continued to talk. "What did you really want to ask me earlier?"

"Why you're being such an asshole."

"Stop joking."

He tilted his head, the water droplets running down his cheeks, because he didn't even bring anything to protect him from the rain.

"I'm not joking."

Did he not see your face or was he just ignoring that you couldn't be more displeased at his sudden appearance?

"I just wanted to ask you about the Zenin's, but every time I talk to you –" you rambled on, pulling your hand out of his grip, "It seems I talk to a different person every time I meet you. And I don't know which page I'm on with you."

His brows furrowed in confusion, not really knowing what to say to your accusation as he didn't even notice the difference himself. He wasn't able to realize sooner that you were one of the few people who seemingly meant as much to him, that he told you about Suguru and what went down.

The rain that got heavier in the meantime, rushed down on both of you and created the white noise that calmed you down at least a little bit.

"Sorry." He blinked away the water that ran down his face, letting his white long lashes stick together and the white strands of hair stick to his face.

You scowled at his dripping wet form as you studied his drenched clothes, somehow you pitied him for his stupidity for not bringing an umbrella. "You didn't even think about bringing an umbrella, did you?"

"I forgot." With an apologetic smile on his face, he stepped closer. "What did you want to ask me about the Zenin's?" – "If there were any remaining members or if you know something about them."

Reluctantly, you reached out your hand, took a step and held the umbrella a tad bit higher, so he was also underneath it.

"I know of a few. Most of them are students at the Kyoto school for sorcerers, one of them – their clan head – is also there. I know that there is another one, but I don't know if he's alive, and if he is, I don't know where he's at."

Gojo frowned, taking a step forward and reaching out his hand for you to take it, "Care taking a walk with me?" Your eyes followed his form as he stepped out of the area where he was safe from the rain, and you watched as the wet drops hit his face again.

You caught up to him in no time and fully ignored his hand that he was offering. "If you insist." you grumbled as you begrudgingly began walking together, rain still pouring down on you and clashing against the umbrella. "His name is Naoya. He would do anything to be the next head of the Zenin clan."

"Hm," you hummed, stepping over the puddles that formed from the persistent rain, "Are they related in some way?"

"Naoya respected Toji to a great extent, as he only cared about strength. And Toji was the strongest member of the Zenin clan without any help of cursed energy, after all. Naoya is ruthless and his only priority is to regain the power of the Zenin clan."

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