𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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As soon as you walked away, you sped up and were already on your way back through the corridor you came from. Always glancing out the window, always alert if you could hear any sound. You caught no sight of Mahito outside, he wasn't anywhere near it seemed. Maybe he went off looking for some weak victims that still lingered around.

Your gaze shifted from the window to the last hallway in front of you, as you turned when you silently gasped at what you saw. 

A person. 

No, a child

No older than fifteen. 

He sneaked around probably because he heard your footsteps echoing on the wooden floor, but you couldn't risk getting caught now. Fuck. You thought nobody was here, there was no trace of any person inside, let alone a kid. With their noisiness and running around you would have heard him.

Now the only thing you could do, was act like you belong here, but with a sword on your back and the box in your hand that seemed difficult. You could easily be spotted as an intruder. 

Worst case was that you had to fight this kid and get out safely, so you could bring the finger to Mahito and flee from there. With a little luck you thought lying to him could even work, because he already looked a bit dumb in your opinion.

‚Worth a try', you thought and stepped out the corner like you knew him already, your figure tall and straightened up like you owned the place. „Hey!" you yelled to him, making his eyes meet yours. His short rosy hair wiggled as he turned his head to you and a bright grin spread across his face, making his child-like features even more prominent.

You met his smile, with a short thin-lipped one from yourself and waved to him eagerly, so he wouldn't suspect anything. Shit, now you had to make up some kind of conversation, after which you could finally get out of there. "Hiii!", he cheered, "I haven't seen you before? Are you here for the teacher's conference?"

What? A teacher's conference?

Yeah. Right. A teacher's conference. Perfect.

"Yes! I got a little lost in here, it's so big! I wanted to go for a walk but couldn't find the exit." You laughed nervously, hoping he wouldn't notice, and walked up to him. He didn't even notice the box, not even acknowledged the sword on your back as you approached him and he went on to bow in a friendly manner.

"I'm Itadori Yuji! Which school do you teach in?" He looked at you, eyes full of curiosity as you stood before him, and your hands began to rub your sweat on your pants a little too intensely.

 "Oh, Itadori Yuji, nice to meet you.", you nodded hesitantly, "I'm from a school far away in the outskirts of Tokyo, a small one at that. You probably don't even know that small of a village."

"Really?! Tell me! I want to know, maybe I'll even go on vacation there someday! I love small towns and all the friendly people there." He giggled excitedly as another high-pitched nervous laugh escaped you. "Oh no, no...", you gestured your refusal, waving your hands around in front of you, thinking about a way to lure him outside.

His expression faltered into a worried one, when he noticed your uneasiness and he thought to himself that you probably didn't want to talk about it right now, since you wanted to go for a walk anyway. 

He wouldn't want to get into your way of getting some fresh air before the meetings happen, because he knew how long they could take and how boring they were.

"If you want, I can walk you out to the front door, so you can go on the walk you mentioned?" He smiled so bright, that his dimples under his eyes dented slightly. Finally, you could get out of there. 

Hopefully Mahito wasn't anywhere around to disrupt the little lies that you fed that boy, and you could get shit done without any casualties or fights.

"Yeah - that would actually be so helpful!" You sighed, relief washing over you as you two began walking along the hallway. You stayed behind him, always two steps slower than him just in case something went wrong. 

You two engaged in a brief conversation on your way outside and as soon as you reached the front door your gaze settled on something - or someone - outside, that you'd rather not meet right now.

Shit, Mahito.

He'll start a fight, even if that boy wasn't threatening at all, he'd just do it for the fun of it. That was so much like him. You hoped he didn't notice you, together with someone else and hurriedly you rushed in front of Yuji to shield him from Mahito's sight. 

"Sooo - thank you very much for leading the way, Yuji Itadori! It was nice to meet you!" You nodded slightly and with a smile that didn't reach your eyes, you pushed the door open, leaving him there.

He looked a little puzzled at your sudden dismissal but put on his cheerful expression nonetheless as he bowed and bid you goodbye. You loosened a breath that seemed to be held onto for a long time now, feeling the fresh breeze of the wind on your skin. 

A strand of your hair blew into your face as you made your way toward Mahito, who was leaning against the wall now and you went slower than you wanted to, just to erase the suspicion of any possible spectators.

"HEY!!" A yell from behind you made you freeze in your spot, your eyes widening as Mahito's gaze slithered your way because you recognized the voice that was shouting your name. That was Yuji Itadori. 

Why was he yelling? 

You couldn't turn around - but you had no choice. Fuck, you knew something went wrong - very wrong. As Mahito's eyes set on the person behind you, you also turned around only to see the kid running towards you, waving something in the air.

What was that?

Oh no - how could that... Did you lose it?

You spotted the keychain you always wore on your belt, three pearls dangling down from his hand as he panted towards you. He rested his hands on his knees catching his breath when he arrived, and you still didn't know how to act. It was already too late when Mahito walked up to you two leisurely, a wide devious grin spreading across his face at the sight of that boy.

"Oh - I didn't know we were allowed to make friends?!" he mused, tilting his head slowly as he took a stand beside you with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Mahito..." You frowned, hesitantly lifting your arms to calm him down but he just averted his gaze toward Yuji, taking a step to now stand in front of him.

"You lost your keychain..." You turned around to face Yuji, but Mahito was faster and suddenly lunged forward - tackling him with full force. Yuji slammed against the ground with Mahito hovering over him, like a hunting animal ready to devour his prey. 

"Ready to die?" he hummed, his breath fanning on Yuji's cheeks as he leaned down to push him further into the gravel.

You took a step, grabbed Mahito by his shoulder to yank him off that boy, but as you leaned down to reach his upper body, there was a small thud on the ground. Each and every one of your eyes fixed on the item that now laid beside Yuji's head. The wooden box with Sukuna's finger fell out of your coat.

And it would now be only a matter of time, seeing who would be going out of this battle as a winner, claiming the cursed object for their own. 

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