𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐

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"HOW – ?!" you gasped into his chest as you wrapped your arms around his body, hoping to not fall over completely. His low chuckle slowly subsided as you pushed yourself off him again, and you could feel his toned chest underneath his jacket – almost reminding you of the moment you bumped into Nanami's steel body.

You knew that he was a sneaky bastard and that something was on his mind when he told you to try to push harder, but you fell for it nonetheless.

Repeatedly, you slapped his arm, furious – not only at him but also at yourself for being so dumb. "Ouch, STOP! I was just joking!" he bleated as he ducked away from your next hit.

"When are you not?!" You swung back for the next time your hand was about to slap the back of his head, but he turned the infinity back on and you were fuming at this point.

"STOP IT, Y/N!" He was pleading for you to stop, but the smile on his face told you he even enjoyed driving you crazy. Maybe he was even one of those that liked being scolded and slapped – who knew?

"I'm going to make it up to you, I promise, okay?"

You stopped your arm in the middle of the move and studied his expression with furrowed brows. He seemed genuine, and you were not one to hold grudges easily.

The longer you thought about it, the funnier it got actually and that you were so stupid to fall for one of his jokes was another reason to laugh about yourself as well. Although you still despised him, you couldn't deny that you began to feel comfortable in his presence.

After all, you asked yourself if Megumi was right and maybe you could really get used to it.

"How are you going to make up for it?" You crossed your arms on your chest, ready to listen to what he wanted to do to now in order for you to accept his apology. "I'll show you something not many people get to see even once in their life." His brow rose and a half-smirk tugged on his lips as he tilted his head.

"I swear to god, if you're about to show me your dick, I'll cut it off. Oh wait,– many people have seen that before, so that can't be it." you responded with a flat voice, also tilting your head. He chuckled, opening his arms for you and gestured you to come closer. "Come on, you need to put your arms around me."

Will he ever stop acting like such a womanizer? You couldn't fathom that girls really liked his flirty advances, and the attitude that he showed. But either way – you fell for his joke too, so who were you to judge.

"Is this really necessary?" you sighed, walking over to him. "You can hold my hand instead, if you prefer that?" He laughed, but you just shook your head and huffed a breath as you reluctantly put your arms around his waist.

"Good girl." he praised, his own arms now pressing your body into his.

Oh no – You tried to play it cool and cleared your throat, burying your face in his chest as you averted your gaze away from him.

Because you were clearly blushing.

And you were sure if he noticed, you were about to melt to the ground in embarrassment.

"You ready?" He squeezed your body, and you were not sure what you should have been ready for.

You hummed in response, looking for something that was happening, because it literally could have been anything. Nobody knew what was going on in Gojo Satoru's mind – but what you were about to experience was really something that not many people would come to see.

As soon as your hum fell silent, you felt his chin resting on the top of your head and his whisper sounded out near you.

"Close your eyes."

You did.

You closed your eyes and with your lashes clashing together, suddenly there was a rush of cold air that shot through your body.

The wind was blowing your hair in every possible direction and you felt like there was pure ice surrounding you and the only source of heat was Gojo's body pressed to yours.

Wait – what...

You wiggled your toes, and to your surprise you couldn't feel anything but a slight resistance.

No ground beneath your feet.

The cold air stung on your skin that was showing, but you needed to know. Your eyes shot open and you fluttered your lashes to blink against the strong wind that was blowing into your face.

"What the hell..." you gasped, inaudibly because the gust of fresh air pulled away the words from your lips. Looking up at Gojo's face, you were met with a wry grin and his white hair swaying in the wind.

As you looked down to your legs, you subconsciously squeezed Gojo's body to at least feel secure. There really was no ground beneath your feet.

He held you, both of you a few hundred feet above the city that you were in only a few seconds ago. Your eyes studied the lights below, all the streets, the cars that roamed the city and the people that looked like ants down there.

Turning your head, you saw the skyscrapers that loomed over Shibuya, every window that was illuminated from inside and every TV that was turned on in these apartments. Adorning the busy streets, there were the big videowalls, playing every sort of commercial as you followed the small figures of the residents with your gaze.

You were in awe of what you were seeing right now, and never would you have thought that this was something that the obnoxious personality of Gojo Satoru came up with.

"Did I promise too much?" Gojo's chuckle rumbled underneath your chest as you looked up to his face, your eyes sparkling with adoration of this special moment that he gifted you. You could only do so much as shake your head, at a loss of words for the beauty that laid bare in front of you.

Speechless, you took in every detail that you could make out from this height but the sight of a world that was only open to a few people was too short-lived for your liking. Gojo's steady breathing calmed you down and made your experience even better by not speaking any words throughout your excitement.

How much time really passed – you didn't know. You didn't care either, but as soon as Gojo told you it was time to go home, you instantly frowned because if one thing was for sure, it was that you wanted to enjoy this view forever. 

"Close your eyes again." he whispered, his hand supporting you on your lower back as the blackness devoured you once more.

The hard gusts of wind, the stinging cold on your skin and your floating body was again an unusual feeling.

Pulled out of your trance, you suddenly felt something beneath your feet again.

The ground. You were back at the school.

Gojo loosened his hold on you, and the warmth that surrounded you vanished as soon as he retracted his arms and slid them into his pockets. He turned around to get inside again, but you were not moving – not even an inch.

You were too stunned from the sheer beauty of the sparkling heaven that he just showed you.

"We should get inside, it's really cold." he cooed, peeking over his shoulder back to you while strolling to the entrance of the building.

It was already dark and probably really late at night, since the only light you could make out in the whole building was in the library. Illuminated by the dim hue shining out of the open door, you got inside right after Gojo and he pulled off his blindfold.

"I've never seen you that speechless, did the cat get your tongue?" He joked as he pulled off his jacket and hung it on his shoulders casually.

He was right. You were not able to speak in that moment, you needed to just process what you just saw.

"You can thank me another time – I'm sure we can get even somehow." His quiet laugh filled the otherwise silent hallway as he winked and turned back to retreat into his room, leaving you there still bewildered at your experience.

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