𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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The room was already void of any light shining through, there was not even the moon illuminating the furniture through the tiny window as you sat on the bed, pondering about the time it probably was right now. It must have already been one or two hours past midnight when you decided to get started, assuming everyone had to be sleeping peacefully in their beds by now.

You turned the doorknob, still hissing at your aching injury, but you bit back the whimper that wanted to come out as you took the first silent step out the door. On your tiptoes, your footsteps were unnoticeable with your socks on, quietly shuffling through the hallways and replaying the route in your head over and over again.




Concentrated on not creating any sounds or loud noises, you sneaked towards the library in the complete darkness and your fingers slid along the wall near you since you were not able to make out anything besides utter blackness in front of your eyes. You could have been asleep and dreaming just as well if you didn't feel your feet hitting the cold wooden floor.

The closer you came to the library, the faster your heart raced at the thought of stealing from them again. Reasonable, since the last time didn't really end well for you. A little guilty feeling arose from inside of you when the memory of your awakening and Shoko's kindness popped up in your head, though.

She healed you, let you have new clothes, and let you stay in their home – And all you do is steal? Again?

No – You shook your head, almost whispering to yourself in your denial.

You needed to get back and take that finger with you, or else Kenjaku would figure out another plan to get rid of all the people that didn't fit into the perspective of the world that he had in mind. And he was ruthless, so nobody knew if you'd be one of them in the end and he would eliminate you too.

Deep in thought, you finally arrived at the door to the library but to your surprise there was a small light illuminating the inside, it had to be a small desk lamp that was casting a few stripes of light outside of the room as well. You didn't expect someone to be up that late at night, let alone study or read at that time.

Inching closer to the door, you wanted to see who it was so badly, but the risk of getting caught was too high to just give into your curiosity. You just had a pair of shorts on, and a jacket that Shoko gave you and you shuddered at the small gust of wind that swept through the hallway.

Your eyes studied the darkness around you and you even contemplated going back to your room to wait another night, but you couldn't. The need to be back at home was bigger than the growing cold in your limbs, and you did what you had to do for your wish to become reality.

Peeking around the corner as fast as you could, you pulled your head back again and hoped the person inside didn't notice you right away. You saw blonde hair, a casual white shirt and glasses.

That must be Kento.

He seemed kind of nice, very quiet and aloof but still very polite. Maybe he had a soft heart and he was just shy in general.

You took a deep breath, mustered up all your courage and turned around the corner, leaning on the doorway with a slightly forced neutral expression on your face, suppressing the pain in your hip.

"Hey," you whispered, a small smile playing on your lips, "Kento, right?" He looked up from his table, and it seemed as if he was writing something down, as your eyes followed his hand, glancing at the paper in front of him. His face didn't show any emotion as he nodded and responded quietly.

"Yes, Nanami Kento." His voice caught you off-guard and you were in awe of the husky but still smooth and soft tone. That man's voice was really something out of the ordinary – If you could choose someone to narrate your life, it would for sure be him.

You cleared your throat as you limped inside slowly, holding onto the wall beside the door and you tried to hide your rosy cheeks, showing clearly how flustered you were. You were fascinated by different voices, their tones and the feelings they express – You've always had a thing for that.

But a man's voice that put you off in that kind of way, it had been a long time since that happened.

"What are you doing? What keeps you up that late at night?" You slid your hands into the pockets of your jacket and kept resting your back against the wall. "I just needed to summarize some things from the books I've finished today." He leaned back into his chair, took his glasses off and rubbed his face, the weariness straining his otherwise sharp features.

K. Nanami - He had been the person that this beautiful handwriting you saw belonged to.

It still amazed you, how someone's words put on paper could look so flawless, graceful even, when you remembered how it looked like. Somehow it stuck with you, since your own handwriting has always looked like literal garbage. 

"What are you doing up at night? Shouldn't you be resting?" he purred lowly, raising an eyebrow as he rested his elbow on the desk. Your thoughts were completely messed up by his concern, not that it was bothering you, but you liked being cared for – otherwise it was always you caring for others.

Even though you didn't even know if he was in serious concern or if it was just politeness.

You were even contemplating telling him the truth about your sleeplessness, but it would be better to leave them all behind while they still didn't know who you were or what you did. It was better to leave them in the dark, quite literally, than to bother them with your problems.

It still surprised you, that no one asked for your name, or that Yuji didn't tell anybody what happened. Maybe he didn't even remember anything since he was 'someone else' at that time? Yeah, maybe. Or maybe he wanted to talk to you after he got better and didn't want to jump into conclusions just yet.

Your train of thought was interrupted by another question from Nanami, which let your eyes widen, but not in surprise, more so it was in reluctance of responding to him.

"Who are you actually and why are you here?" He rested his chin on his knuckles, still leaning against the desk. "You didn't even introduce yourself properly."

The seconds after his question lingered in the air, you bit your lip and your eyes stared off into space - lost in your own mind.

Was it right to lie to people who had been kind to you, helped you, and leave them in uncertainty...

...or could this be justified with your desire to get back home?  

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