𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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Hours after hours passed by with you just sitting on your bed, your chin resting on your knees, pondering about a way to escape this mess, ideally taking the second cursed object with you. Nobody came to your room, your hips still ached and you were still mad at Mahito for leaving you there, awfully hurt and now all alone too.

Did they know you were alive? Did Mahito know you could have died when he fled?

All of your thoughts circled around getting back to your home, embracing Choso in the biggest and tightest hug you could imagine and kiss his lips numb. As a kid, you always dreamt about having a family, a home and maybe even a pet – At the age you now were at, you thought you'd have all that.

You spiraled even deeper into the dark void of your mind, questioning every decision you ever made, regretting choices you made and cussing at yourself for things you didn't do. Mindlessly your fingers travelled to your lips and you began biting your nails again.

That was a habit you had gotten rid of a long time ago, but sometimes in stressful situations or if anxiety took over, you unconsciously did it again and hated yourself for it.

Would Choso come to help you? Or would he believe Mahito if he told him you died?

You couldn't imagine seeing him suffer like that again, when his brothers died he was an emotional wreck. Nobody saw him, mourning the loss of his own blood as he cried his eyes out, but you were there – You held his hands, dried his tears and tried to distract him from the unbearable pain.

He needed to know you were still alive, and he wouldn't let you go without checking himself if he could get you out of there somehow. He would surely come to get you, somehow. Right?

But you knew you could do this on your own too. You could get out of there. Take the finger and escape. You just needed to make sure it would work without anybody noticing.

Suddenly, the door burst open, hitting the wall beside it with a loud thud and in shock, you jumped up from your crouched position to get into fighting stance immediately. You instantly hissed at the pain that shot through your body, so much so, that you bit your lip to distract you and get rid of it as fast as possible while squinting from the nauseating agony.

With your fists raised and ready to fight, still in Shoko's robe and nothing underneath, you slid back hesitantly as you spotted the man that bolted inside your room. His white hair was framing his face loosely, a few strands hanging onto his forehead and the sunglasses he had on were so dark you couldn't even see a hint of his eyes.

His facial features were mature, but the cheeky smile he flashed while he stepped inside was one that could have been from a teenager. He took off his sunglasses and you remained in your fighting position, even though your eyes widened as soon as your gaze met his.

His eyes were so electric blue, you didn't even know if that kind of color was possible naturally. It was like you stared into the deep ocean and the bright sky at the same time.

"Wow! What a warm welcome from our guest!" he cooed, casually throwing the paper bag on the bed and slipping his hands back into the pockets of his pants.

"Leave me alone." you snarled, hesitantly relaxing and straightening your posture again. That man was surely a handful. He looked good – no doubt, but he acted as if he stood above everyone and everything, and no one could even come near him.

You despised arrogant behavior, but sometimes you had to act that way too so others would take you seriously. As a woman, who was fighting and wielding a Katana you had to be cocky sometimes and know your worth, otherwise men would toy with you the way they wanted to.

"Shoko told me to bring you clothes, but if you prefer wearing...," he cringed as his eyes studied you from top to bottom, "...THAT, then who am I to judge, right?!" He leisurely leaned on the doorway as he put his sunglasses back on and you could only do so much as roll your eyes – not far enough back – at his snarky remark.

"And what if I do?" You bit back, your arms crossed on your chest now as you judgingly eyed him with raised brows.

"Do what? Look ridiculous?" He snorted, his posture mirroring yours now. "I already told you, you're free to do so."

You just met him, and he was already getting on your nerves – On the inside you were hoping that this was the last encounter with that prick. His overweening behavior made you furious from the very start of that meaningless conversation.

"Fine. Then you're free to leave me the fuck alone." you retorted, a fake smile appearing for a second.

Forcefully shoving him out the doorway, he didn't resist and you slammed the door shut loudly, an annoyed grunt leaving your lips as you turned around and limped to the bed again.  

Maybe Shoko was coming back to your room soon, so you could ask her who that clown was that just put your patience to the test. You were good with comebacks and biting back, you had to learn the hard way, but he was the kind of person that tickled that spot where you couldn't act nice anymore.

He was cocky, annoying and acting like he was god himself. You already prayed for your body to heal you to the point you could finally walk normally, get the finger and get the HELL out of there already.

It was already dawn and the sun began to set, the last rays shining through the tiny window on the side of the bed you were sitting on, as your eyes set on the two people strolling along the dirt path near the woods.

You wondered if those people were already here when you were rummaging through the library, or if they just came back from somewhere, since you didn't even hear a thing back then. The girl was walking right beside a taller boy, both teenagers as it seemed. Maybe they were classmates of Yuji.

The tall boy was walking with his hands inside his pockets, his spiky black hair standing in every direction and his face was the definition of boredom. Whereas the girl was gesturing wildly, sipping on some kind of drink and telling some story to him, exaggerating every detail apparently.

This small interaction made a small smile creep up your lips, thinking about the carefree times you spent with your friends, in school, skipping classes and just wandering around having fun and kind of enjoying the time that you had together.

Your decision was set, no matter if you were healed completely – When night was finally in full bloom, you were going to get out to the library and steal the cursed object. You'd silently vanish into thin air, with nobody getting a hint of where you went. 

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