The Reasons We Have

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(A/N: Hey Ya'll! I have made a major decision. I'm am going to attempt, to fit my entire F*ck Sh*t Up playlist, into this story! With that out of the way, let's begin~)

By tomorrow morning, Shoto Todoroki will be gracing U.A.'s halls! At the same time, Natsuo's training had come along nicely. He had excelled at ranged combat, but would continue training with Rinoto to improve his hand to hand combat. For today however, they wouldn't be doing any of that.

"You want me to come over?" Natsuo asked over the phone.

"Yessir! Me and Rinoto found this old karaoke machine in the dumpster! Took us a while to fix it up, but now that it's finished, I wanna test it out!" Kanji said excitedly.

Natsuo walked into the kitchen, and began searching for some tea, knowing that the Kinushi twins both had a liking for it.

"Don't you have to go running around city today?", he asked.

"That's the best part! With All Might and your shitty sperm donor being more active, I've got some free time!"

Fuyumi walked into the kitchen, Natsuo's back to her as he spoke.

"Alright, I'll check with my sister, but if that thing explodes, you're covering my therapy bills"

"Would I ever put you in danger?"

A few shouts could be heard in the background, as Natsuo gave him a skeptical look.

"How was I supposed to know that Endo would be there?! I don't have a future vision quirk!"

With that, Natsuo hung up the phone, and sent a glance Fuyumi's way.

"Well?", he said.

"....You better not comeback drunk."

"It'll be fine!"

* * *

This time, Natsuo was able to steel himself when he teleported. He was beginning to admire, but still got a bit queasy about it.

"Try holding your breath. It'll get help prevent the side effects until you get used to it." Rinoto had told him.

Upon their arrival, Kanji immediately said, "I'LL GET THE MACHINE!"

Once he was out of the room, Natsuo turned to Rinoto.

"Hey, how come Kanji is so fixated on Endeavor? He's always so aggressive whenever he talks about him.", he asked.

Rinoto seemed to flinch slightly before saying, "Oh, I guess we never told you. Have you ever heard of a villain called Biotox?"

Natsuo grimaced at that, but not out of repulsion, it was more out of pity and aggression.

"Yeah, her quirk let her take use the energy of living things around her, and channel it into powerful attacks. When her and my father fought, she was so wounded she died in the hospital."

Rinoto seemed to shut his eyes tightly, as if holding back tears.

"Her name was Yuzei Kinushi, and she was our mother."

Natsuo's breath left him. If he was fifteen when it happened, then they were just kids.

"I took the loss hard, but Kanji.... he never fully recovered. He became so much more depressed and volatile after that, I was beginning to think he'd gone insane! But then, a few years ago, he seemed to brighten up a bit. But, I can tell it's still eating at him." Rinoto stated, his eyes glued to the floor.

Hissy Fit jumped onto his lap, lying down so that he could pet her. As a gentle purr left her, Kanji came back with the karaoke machine. It looked as though it could use a new paint job, but it was at least unlikely to explode.

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