Meetings and Drama

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So, as most people know, Endeavor isn't one to socialize. He also isn't one to work with other heroes.

So, imagine his discomfort when he has to walk into a building, and speak to almost every god damn hero he knows. As the tall man looked up at the building, he grumbled out a sigh.

'Just get it over with. It's just a meeting, how bad could it be?", he said internally.


It was an hour into the meeting. The heroes that had shown up consisted of All Might, Erasurehead, Present Mic, Midnight, Snipe, Hawks, and Mirko. It mostly consisted of them discussing future events, recent villain activity, and generally basic small talk.

"All right, up next is the upcoming sports festival. UA needs a bit of support guys." Snipe said.

"I can cover the cost. Move on Snipe." Endeavor stated.

"Y'know, Mirko merchandise has done well this year. I can step in when Endeavor falls short.", the rabbit hero said.

"...That was a joke, right?"

Mirko just smiled smugly before turning back to Snipe.

"Right, on an unrelated note, Nezu wants us to go over the files for the League of Villains.", he said.

Oh. Right. The lowlifes that broke into UA. Endeavor had almost forgotten about them. As he looked over the files, Hawks chose to make small talk.

"So, I noticed Natsuo has been out and about lately.", he said.

Endeavor sighed before saying, "Yes, I suppose he has. Something about a new friend?"

"How do you not know if your son has friends or not?" Present Mic asked.

Endeavor breathed out slightly before saying, "Let's just say that we don't exactly see eye to eye."

That was putting it lightly. He and Natsuo hadn't seen eye to eye ever since Touya's death. It didn't help that this supposed "friend" of his was giving him a colorful vocabulary. As the meeting went on, Endeavor could feel Mirko's eyes on him. He glanced at his right and she gave him a rather annoying smile.

"What?", he said, his voice stern.

Mirko chuckled slightly before saying, "Oh nothing. Just that I know something you don't~"

Endeavor raised an eyebrow as Hawks laughed from his left. What did they know?

"I'm surprised that you didn't figure it out yet.", the winged hero said.

Endeavor let out a sigh. The two were supposed to be mature adults, and yet here they were acting like teenagers.

"Y'know, Natsuo isn't the only one who's been out as of late." Mirko said.

Endeavor's eyes didn't even leave the file on Shigaraki before asking, "Who else is there? Someone who owes me money?"

Hawks leaned up against Mirko's shoulder before saying, "Oh, this guy owes you much, much more than money~"

Every hero in the room turned to Endeavor, the likes of which said, "Just spit it out. I think I can handle one little-"

"Kinushi is there~", the two heroes said at the same time.

Endeavor's eyes flared. He clenched the file tightly before a scowl formed on his face. Erasurehead could swear that the man's flames flashed blue before going out completely.

"What did you just say?", he said, laughing slightly at the end.

"You heard me~" Hawks said slyly.

"Who's Kinushi?" Mic asked, though his question was completely ignored as Endeavor stood up, grinning like a maniac.

"Haha, so- so let me get this straight," the flame hero began.

"Kanji, came back,"

Flames danced along his face.

"And, he has been hanging around my son,"

He towered over Hawks as his smile wavered.

"And, haha, that wasn't, oh I don't know- THE FIRST FUCKING THING YOU TOLD ME?!", he said, hold Hawks up by his shirt.

"Yep.", the Fierce Wings user said, a smirk ever present on his face.

"Damn Endeavor, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you felt threatened." Midnight stated.

Endeavor dropped Hawks before he whipped around, a chaotic grin on his face.

"Ha! Why would I, the number two hero in Japan, be threatened by that little roach?", he asked, his smile having formed into a scowl.

Erasurehead walked over to the man before saying, "Why don't you give us a hint?"

He and Endeavor locked eyes, before the latter said, "Kanji Kinushi is nothing more than a cheep, ripoff version of a jeweler. He is my issue to deal with."

The He two continued to glare at each other before standing up and walking towards the elevator.

"Endeavor, what are planning to do?" Midnight said, glaring at him.

"Something, anything to get that little shit off my back!", he roared back.


Endeavor sat down on a rooftop, attempting to calm his temper. Normally, one child wouldn't get him so riled up, but due to him being one of the many, many sins that weigh on his back. He could recall that night in excruciating detail.

It didn't help that the boy's mother had died because of him. He hadn't even meant for that to happen! He was reckless that day and didn't know what he was doing.

....Perhaps there was a way to fix things.


"You what?", the three Todoroki children asked.

"I want Natsuo to invite Kanji for dinner tomorrow.", Enji repeated.

Shoto stared.

Fuyumi grinned.

Natsuo burst out laughing.

"What?! It's not that funny!" Enji argued.

Natsuo calmed down from his laughter before saying, "What makes you think he would even agree to this?"

Endeavor looked at Natsuo pleadingly. It was at that moment he knew what he wanted.



"Absolutely not!"

"Oh! I'm sorry! Would you rather I go to his house?!"

Natsuo grimaced heavily. How the hell was he going to convince Kanji to go to dinner with the man that got his mother killed? Judging from the mild panic attack he had, he doubts that he'll willingly accept his offer.

"Look, I'm know you wanna make things right, but I don't think Kanji is willing to go ten feet close to you. Unless he has a gun. Or a knife." Natsuo stated.

Enji closed his eyes in thought. After a few moments, he got down on his hands and knees and asked for Natsuo to pull out his phone.

"What are you about to do?"

"Something pitiful. Burnin' will never let me live it down."

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