Delivery Man Okiatsu

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"Well, today was rough." Hawks declared.

He and Mirko were in their civilian wear, which was pretty much Hawks wearing his own hoodie as merch, and Mirko in an oversized white sweatshirt. The two were kind of just strolling around the streets of Japan, casually talking. The two had honestly been good friends since Keigo had been 18.

"Yeah well, what are you gonna do?" Rumi stated.

As the two rounded a corner, they could hear a certain fiery trash bag yelling.

"Listen buddy, I've got two orders after strawberry mochi that are going to melt if you don't let me go.", a voice said coolly.

Endeavor let out a sigh before saying, "I just caught you with 20 pounds of Trigger!"

The two heroes looked at each other before walking towards the commotion. The moment they did, Keigo scowled as Rumi let out a sigh akin to a tired mom. In front of them stood a 5'10 male, with cream colored skin. He had brown hair that had two bangs in the front, and stopped just below his ears. He appeared to have a permanent blush, and wore black fingerless gloves. The had on sweat pants that were an audacious shade of orange, and a black shirt that read, "When I said I like it rough, I didn't mean life". All in all, he looked like an overpaid college student.

"Okiatsu, you rat bastard." Keigo ground out.

The man in question looked past the hulking form of Endeavor at smirked behind the red mask covering his mouth.

"Hey there Rooster! Good to see you! Oh, and you too Lola.", he said, a grin covering his face.

Rumi flipped him off as Endeavor barked about arresting him.

"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there. You see this little contract here?", he said sweetly.

"Not sure if you can see can see past your flames, but it says in red fine print: I am to deliver this package at all costs, and not concern myself with the contents! Therefore, I could not care less about what's in the duffel bag, but I will defend it with my life! That said...."

Okiatsu booped Endeavor on the nose, causing the man to glow red for a moment.


Endeavor fell to his knees, his body feeling as if it was made of stone.

Okiatsu pointed to the left before saying, "Roll over~"

Endeavor proceeded to spin across the ground before he hit a brick wall.

"Good hero! Now stay, and maybe I'll give you a treat later!", he said, before walking away, making a show of strutting as he left.

Rumi got to Endeavor's side, the man struggling to his feet as Okiatsu's quirk wore off.

At the same time, she, Keigo, and Endeavor said, "I fucking hate that guy."


"What do you mean you don't know anything?!" Mirko yelled.

Nezu, with his usual grin said, "It appears our young friend has no records of himself. Even I can't find anything. What an interesting little puzzle!"

Endeavor snarled as he asked, "How can someone be so well known and have so little information?! It makes no sense!"

Nezu had the audacity to just shrug. He then walked out the room, humming to himself as he did so. The three heroes looked between each other before Endeavor made his way to the door.

"I'm going back on patrol. Okiatsu is your problem now.", he said.

Mirko and Hawks looked at each other before grinning. Why did that send a chill down his spine?


"NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANYMORE!" Mirko yelled furiously.

Three plans. They had three plans on incriminating this guy, and none of them worked!

The first was to set up cameras around Okiatsu's frequent routes. Somehow, even if they were the only way in, he missed all of them!

The second plan was to try ordering something illegal from the man. Snipe was happy to help, seeing as he also had a vendetta against the man. And as a bonus, it was a good way to get Trigger off the streets.

So imagine their surprise when they find a duffel bag of the drug only five minutes after placing the order. This is how they got to plan three.

"You want me to what?" Hawks asked.

Okiatsu stared down at a small notebook before saying, "Race me."

Asking him. In all honesty, it was a joke between Hawks, Ingenium, and Mirko. The Engine hero had suggested it, and suddenly it was plan three. And in response, Okiatsu wanted a race.

"How about this," Okiatsu proposed, "If you can get from here to Hosu before I can, I'll turn myself in, free of charge!"

Ha, this was a joke right? Hawks was one of the fastest heroes in Japan! He could handle one little bet, right? And it's not like Okiatsu's Quirk was meant for speed.

"Bet! When do we start?" Hawks stated, grinning ear to ear.

The delivery man took a pocket watch out of his pocket and stared at it. His thumb hovered over the button as Hawks wings flared up.


And he was off. Wind rushed past the Wing hero's head as he flew. He could barely feel the chill of the air as he soared past towers and citizens. When he finally landed in Hosu, his hair and feathers were frazzled from the speed.

"Woohoo! Yes! Take that you stupid delivery guy! Eat my du....."

Slowly clapping while leaning against a wall, was Okiatsu. He had a smug grin on his face as he patted Hawks on the shoulder.

"Better luck next time, Rooster.", he said, walking past him.

Hawks jaw dropped as he glared at the man. How?! He hadn't even moved when he last saw him! Perhaps he needed a different plan of attack.


"Thanks for this Rumi."

"No problem, gotta represent!"

Okiatsu shrugged like this was a normal occurrence. He took out that same watch from last time before clicking the button, and watching the two heroes go past him. This time, they made it quicker than before, congratulating each other on their victory.

"Guess the messenger is going to prison!" Mirko stated, not spotting him anywhere.

Or at least, until the saw Okiatsu leaning up against a stop sign, obnoxiously slurping a cup of coffee. The hero's faces fell as he patted them both on the shoulder.

"Better luck next time Lola Bunny.", he said.

The two watched the man as he clicked his heals together smirking at their failure.


"Wow, you two must be desperate to call Ingenium for help."

The hero in question activated his Quirk as Okiatsu raised a hand into the air. He didn't even get to hit the button before Mirko, Hawks, and Ingenium were off. The last of the trio of course arrived first, not even breaking a sweat. Hawks surveyed the area as Mirko's ears swiveled in multiple directions.

"I don't see him!" Hawks confirmed.

"And I can't hear him!"  Mirko cheered.

Ingenium smiled as he said, "Well, I guess we can call this mission-"

"Failed. This mission was failed."

A few of Hawks' feathers sharped as he turned his head slowly. Standing off to the side, was the fucking delivery man. Who, for some odd reason, chose to flaunt his success using cookies.

"Want one? Their peanut butter.", he offered.

The three just stared at him in shock as he turned and walked away. As Okiatsu rounded the corner, he could hear Mirko raging about how he kept winning. Hehe, heroes. They never learn.

(I LIVE! Sorry for not posting sooner, but school is a bitch and my big bro got sick. With the school year coming to a close, I'll try to post more often! Until then, Happy reading my little gems!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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