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10 Years Later

Today is not a good day for Natsuo. From the moment he woke up that morning, everything had gone south. First, he forgot to set his alarm, and he woke up late. Then, they were out of coffee. Never deprive a Todoroki of their caffeine, especially in the morning. So not only, was he deprived of coffee, but he also was late to one of his classes, and slept through them!

So, you can imagine that, after having a rough day, all he wants to do is complete one simple task.

"You want to go shopping? Are you sure?" Fuyumi asked.

Natsuo gave her a blank stare before saying, "Please, I beg you! Shoto will be home soon, and I would prefer if I didn't have to handle our flaming bastard of a father."

Fuyumi let out a sigh before saying, "Okay, just be careful! Villain activity has been increasing a lot lately."

Natsuo let out a small chuckle before saying, "You'd be surprised about how capable I am."

So now, here he was, walking down the street, with a bag of mochi in one hand, and soba ingredients in the other. In truth, shopping wasn't the only reason for Natsuo's departure. Sometimes, he just needed to do something basic to forget about his home life. To forget how messed up his childhood was.

He decided that to take an old short cut from a long time ago. The alleyway was dark, but it at least had enough lighting for him to be able to see. As he walked down it, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. Out of nowhere, something sharp pierced into his leg. Before he could register what, he lost feeling to everything below his waist.

"Haha, look at this! Something new to toy with!",a male voice said.

Three villains came into view, each of them seeming to have some kind of yellow spike coming out of their arms.

'Paralysis', Natsuo thought.

A second, female villain said, "Ooo we got lucky! He's a cutie!"

"What the fuck?", Natsuo muttered.

The third villain, this one being male as well, said, "That's not all, he's one of Endeavor's runts."

The first villain from before seemed to grin underneath the black mask he had on. A pro hero's kid? This was almost too good to be true!

"Hehehe, I wonder how much we can get for him! Maybe we can even-"

The first villain's speech was cut short as something bounced off his head, and landed in front of Natsuo's head. All four of them looked at the object. It looked like a cube, with multiple squares in it. Was it something from America.

"Oh hey, sorry about that!"

The villains looked up to see a stranger with a toxic green gas mask on. They had braces on their legs and arms, that appeared to be made out of an odd, teal, rock-like substance. They had green shorts on, that seemed to turn pink at the end, the short sleeve they were wearing having the same design. The shirt had a hood big enough to cover the plume of bright green hair on top of the teen's head, but did nothing to hide the light brown of his skin.

"I really need to be more careful about where I drop my puzzles. Let me just come down and get it.", he said.

He jumped down from the rooftop he was on, walked directly past Natsuo, and picked up the cube. What the hell was this guy's problem?! Can't he see he's being assaulted?!

"Right, I should probably introduce myself. I'm-"

"No one gives a flying fuck! Get out of here!", the first villain said.

"Wow, okay then! Y'know, it's never good to have a temper. I'm gone."

What kind of hero was this guy? He's really gonna walk away and let this happen? When the red and white haired teen looked up to see him leave, the stranger sent a glance to him while making a few hand movements. Now, to untrained eye it may look like nothing, but to Natsuo, the stranger had sent him a message in sign language.

Don't ask why he knows, because he doesn't. He figured that it would be a cool thing when he was 15, but kind of forgot about it. Regardless, he's beginning to be grateful for that. The stranger turned around and began walking away, as Natsuo started getting low to the ground. The villains gained a confused look, before a wave of teal crystals swept them all off their feet.

The stranger had told him to "watch his head".

"Strike! Hey, maybe I should take up bowling.", he said.

The third paralysis villain was the first to get up, letting out an angry roar before charging at the crystal stranger. The stranger raised his right left arm and created a hexagon shaped shield, barely moving backward as the villain rammed into it.

"Oh hey, I love close combat! My fucking turn."

That was all Natsuo heard before the villain was flung into the air, and strapped to the wall with crystals. The feeling was beginning to return to Natsuo's legs, as he heard scuffling behind him.

"Y- you're gonna regret that!" Villain one said.

He and villain two fired spikes at the crystal stranger, who just raised his shield. He then created a sword out of crystals, and slashed it at the villains. The second villain fell right next to Natsuo, who had regained control of his lower half.

"C'mon, get up Natsuo, your life is at stake.", he muttered.

As he was picking himself up, he didn't notice the last villain about to fire more spikes at him. The crystal stranger jumped in front of him, and held out his shield to block the attack.

"Are you okay.....", he trailed off.

He and Natsuo locked eyes, green gazing into grey, and suddenly neither of them were teenagers. They were kids again.

".....Kinushi?" Natsuo asked.

"I'll be damned. Natsuo?"

Suddenly, a small piercing sound filled the air. Kinushi looked down at his shield, only to see it was limp at his side.

"Oh, really? Para-quill in my shield arm?", he said.

Right as the villain was about to shoot again, a frost covered fisted made contact with his face. A cracked sound filled the air, as the villain did a small spin,  before falling to the ground. Kinushi stood over the unconscious villain as Natsuo gazed down at his fist and began to spiral.

"Damn Nat! I didn't think you had that in you!"

"I can't believe I just did that."

"Oh you're fine. If anyone asks it was in self defense."

The sound of sirens filled the air. If Natsuo had to guess, someone tipped the police off about what happened.

"I'm gonna go to jail!" Natsuo shrieked.

Kinushi grabbed his wrist and began laughing before he said, "Not if we don't get caught!"

* * *

Tsukauchi did not have enough coffee for this. It's the middle of the day, why the hell would he be called here? And for something so minor as this?

"There better be a good reason for bringing me here. I've got more than enough paperwork to deal with.", he said to one of the officers.

"Well, uh, it would be better if I just showed you.", they replied.

The moment the detective saw that teal sheen, and the crystals that followed, he scowled. The veins in his neck seemed to bulge as he yelled four little words.


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