Brothers and Acquaintances

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It was by pure luck that Kinushi had managed to get Natsuo home without getting caught. He will admit, getting his arm paralyzed wasn't part of the plan, but it all worked out in the end! Well, he would have a hard time explaining to Rinoto why his arm was bleeding, but otherwise it all went flawlessly.

As of now, he was jumping across rooftops, with his hood torn off. In his defense, he needed to staunch the bleeding, and his brother would be pissed if he got blood all over his floor. As he landed on another rooftop, he stopped to see a billboard with a photo of Endeavor on it. The Hellfire hero was standing with his arms crossed, a glare present on his face.

"Huh. Hey there Endo, you look well! But you're missing something...."

With a few waves of his hands, crystals spread up the billboard, the final product resting right in front of the hero's face.


"Yeah, it is."

Kinushi flinched at the sudden voice. Behind him stood a teen who looked exactly like him, only he had white hair, gray eyes that would glow white when he used his quirk, and had a white hoodie on with white sweatpants. Instead of pink, the ends were gold. Before Kanji could blink, the teen teleported to his left in a sheen of white light, and grabbed him by the ear.

"Do you have any idea how long it's been?! You spend the last twenty four hours on the streets, you don't text, you don't call-"

The teen then grabbed Kanji's wrist, and glanced at his poorly wrapped arm.


"Hey, Rinoto! How you doing- Ack! Again with the ear!"

(Rinoto Kinushi

Quirk: Light Shift

He can use his quirk to teleport to anywhere he has already been, as well as form weapons! He can also use his quirk to turn invisible, but it takes a lot of energy!)

In a flash of light, the two were in a small apartment building. It belonged to Rinoto, due to him being old enough. Though, it would be easier if someone didn't keep running around, pissing off every hero and cop they see!

"Listen, I-"

"Shut up! Just, sit down so I can bandage your arm." Rinoto said, his voice slightly deeper than Kanji's.

He swears, out of the two of them, he's the one who got all of the common sense. Guess it pays to be the older twin. Kanji sat down on a wooden chair as Rinoto walked over with some burn ointment and bandages.

"Look, I know you're upset, but I have a good reason for being missing this time!" Kanji argued.

Without even looking at him, Rinoto rolled up his sleeves before saying, "Is it a good one? Because if it's not....."

A small stream of light sprayed from the older Kinushi's fingertip, before he placed it over the wound. Now, Kanji's crystals are very resistant to the elements. It's part of the reason why he uses them as guards or braces. On that note, his skin isn't as resistant, so you can imagine having your wound cauterized would sting a little bit.

Kanji let a pained whimper, causing Rinoto to say, "Well I would've just patched it up normally, but this is what happens when you're stubborn."

"Wow, I'm really feeling the brotherly love.", the younger twin said casually.

Rinoto rolled his eyes playfully. He wasn't truly angry at him, he was just concerned for his well being. Kanji had a habit of picking fights he couldn't win, so it wasn't like his concern was misplaced. One of many, many reasons he's glad he can teleport him on command. That is, as long as he knows where he is.

After bandaging Kanji's injury, Rinoto began searching through an old bin. He had filled it with medical equipment and tools, since he preferred the role of support rather than going on the offensive.

"Now then, seeing as how you're not going to listen to me and rest, you may as well take these.", he said, throwing a few metal spheres at Kanji.

Kanji in turn took one look at them and a devious smile coated his face.

"Try not to lose those. You have no idea how hard to make flash bangs from scratch. Luckily for you, you have a brother who specializes in making things flashy." Rinoto said, his voice laced with pride.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"Only so I wouldn't get mad. Now get out of here, before I regret my decision."

Without a second thought, Kanji jumped out the window created claws on his finger tips. He still had one last thing to do.

* * *

Natsuo had just gotten home at sunset, and was currently heading to his room. His father was busy with hero work, Shoto was training for UA next week, and Fuyumi was out with her friends. He had the entire house to himself. Or at least, that's what he thought before flicking on the lights to his room, and seeing a certain crystal bastard sitting on his bed, stroking a black cat with yellow eyes.

"We've been expecting you, Natsuo.", Kanji said, the cat in his arms eyeing the teen in question.

Surprisingly enough, Natsuo wasn't the least bit surprised. On the contrary, he was more annoyed than anything else.

"How on earth did you get into my room? And why do you have a cat?", he asked.

"All in good time my friend. And don't judge Hissy Fit." Kanji replied.

Natsuo gave him a puzzled look. Who in their right mind names their cat Hissy Fit? What was there thought process behind that?

"Y'know, if you were going to rob me, at the very least give me a warning.", he said.

Kanji got an offended look before saying, "How dare you? Don't you have any faith in me?"

Natsuo rolled his eyes before sitting down next to his friend. Hissy Fit walked into his lap, and laid down. A gentle purr left her body as Natsuo pet her.

"So, did you break in to tell me something, or is this just you checking in on me?" Natsuo asked.

Kanji stood up and clapped his hands together before saying, " Okay firstly, I did not break in, the window wasn't locked. Secondly, you weren't even that badly hurt, and you have medical training. You would've been fine. And finally, when I'm all dressed up, don't call me Kanji."

"Oh?" Natsuo began. "Then what should I call the guy who saved me in a dark alleyway?"

Kanji smiled brightly, before smiling brightly.

"Well Nat, Call me...."

* * *

Where Endeavor was out on patrol, he stopped on a rooftop not far from his residence. He breathed in the crisp night air as he looked around for any signs of trouble. His gaze stopped at the billboard the media had put up a few days ago. The flames on his face burned brighter as he looked at the crystals covered it.

There were in the shape of a middle finger next to his name, and a.... "male appendage" in front of his face. On the bottom right corner, it said the name of the person who did this.

XOXO: ShardBound

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