Awkward Dinner Party

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Wheezing and fits of laughter escaped Burnin' as she stared at Endeavor. The man had to will flames to not coat his face from embarrassment.

"It's not that funny.", he said.

"I- I'm sorry- you got down on your knees and begged?! Hahaha!"

Endeavor grimaced at that. He's not proud of it, he never wants it to be mentioned, and wants this to burn in a dumpster fire.

"Ugh. Natsuo better show the kid that video, or I swear....", the Hellflame hero trailed off.

Burnin' looked up at her boss beforehand asking, "What did you do for the kid to hate you that much?"

It was faint, but if you looked closely, you could swear Endeavor flinched.

"Well, do you remember anything about a villain know as Biotox?" Endeavor began, greeting another one of his sidekicks.

"Yeah! I watched it on the news before I joined your agency! Rumor is, that ShardBound guy went on a rampage the first year he was active, searching for her killer! He even threatened to impale his flaming- ....oh shit. That was you."

Endeavor grimaced at her realization. Of the few regrets that he had, that was one of the biggest.

"She was Kanji's mother. If I had been more careful with my attacks, she would still be alive.", he said.

Burnin' gave the large man a sympathetic look, before a buzz lit up every phone in the agency. All around people began laughing to the themselves while glancing at Endeavor.

"What is going on?", the hero in question asked.

Burnin' had to suppress a laugh as she faced the screen of her phone towards him. When the man looks, his head and torso were engulfed in embarrassed flames.


Natsuo had finally adjusted to Rinoto's teleportation. He took a seat on a large All Might themed beanbag before a smirk covered his face.

"Uh oh. What did you do? I've seen that look on Kanji before. The fuck did you do you mischievous ice lord?" Rinoto asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Kanji walked into the room with tea as Natsuo pulled out his phone. The two looked down at the tiny screen as the white haired teen played the video.

"Is the damn thing on?" Enji asked.

"Pfft- yeah it is! Just- ha, just start speaking!" Natsuo replied from behind the camera.

The man mumbled something about this being a severe blow to his pride before clasping his hands together, and putting on his best smile.

"Young Kinushi!", he began, "It has come to my attention that I have wronged you. As a pro hero, it is my job to ensure the safety and comfort of civilians, regardless of their, ugh, background. Therefore..."

Endeavor sucked in a breath as Shoto's laughter filled the background.

"I would like to invite you, and your brother Rinoto, to a dinner at the Todoroki household! Think of it as an apology for the suffering I put you through. So, would please stop by?"


"Is that it? Yes? Good, because I think I'm gonna be sick." Enji declared.

As the man walked away, he tripped on flat ground and damn near face planted into the ground. More laughter erupted from behind the camera, this time from both Shoto and Natsuo.

"Not. A. Fucking. Word." Enji ground out, before stomping down the hallway.

Laughter erupted throughout the room once more as the trio all smiled brightly. The room filled with bubbly energy, every bit of discomfort, sadness, or anger forgotten.

"So? What'll it be Kanji?" Natsuo asked, petting Hissy Fit as she leaned up against his leg.

Kanji smiled devilishly before saying, "Post it."


"Did I stutter?", the Crystal quirk user asked.

He stood up slowly before saying, "I do not care what you have to do, but post the ever loving shit out of that video!"

Rinoto and Natsuo shared a glance before they two gained a devilish smile.

"Oh hell yes!", they both said.


The twins were dressed up in the same outfit: white hoodies with black jeans. Natsuo wore his casual wear, considered it was his own house. Kanji and Rinoto had never been to a pro hero's house before. It was clear that Endeavor possessed no shortage of money.

It was also clear that neither the man of the house nor Fuyumi trusted them. Technically, they trusted Rinoto, but that was only because he acted his age. Kanji on the other hand....

"Oh c'mon Endeavor! No need to be so koi."

It's a miracle they all managed to get to a table without strangling each other. Natsuo sat next to Fuyumi, Shoto was next to Rinoto, and Enji and Kanji were on opposite ends of the table. As the food was brought to the table, Kanji spared a glance to Enji.

"So, Todoroki, what's it like going to UA?" Rinoto asked Shoto.

"It's good." Shoto replied bluntly.

So far so good. Compliments were sent Fuyumi's way as the night progressed. Looks everything is going well-

"So how's the number two spot treating you Endeavor?"

And just like that, all hope is lost. Rinoto sent a glare at his younger brother, who in turn smirked at the Hellflame hero.

Enji, swallowing a snarl, said, "It's treating me fine. I'll be catching up to All Might in no time."

Everyone at the dinner table was silent.

"Yep. Say, maybe you can even get your wife out that mental hospital." Kanji said, that annoying smile of his widening.

"What do you of all people know about that?" Enji ground out.

"Well, I know enough to know that she's been in there for quite a bit of time. I also know why she's in there."

"Kanji! Enough!" Rinoto yelled. "This not the appropriate time or place!"

Kanji rolled his eyes carelessly before turning his attention back to Enji.

"Y'know, a little birdie told me something interesting.", he said.

Enji slowly stood up from the table, preparing to leave.

"And what would that be?", he said, smoking coming from his shoulders.

"Ah, nothing much. Just that in one month, one Rei Todoroki will be gone with the wind~"

Every one froze. Flames licked across Enji- Endeavor's face as he said, "You are out of line."

Rinoto looked to Kanji as he said, "Don't you dare."

Kanji leaned forward before saying, "Bend me back into shape then, Endeavor."

Silence. And then Endeavor chuckled. Then that chuckle, turned to laughter. It sounded deranged and unhinged, causing an unsettling amount of anxiety throughout the room.

"Father-" Fuyumi began, but was swiftly cut off by Endeavor raising a fist.

All at once, flames coated him as he glared at Kanji.

"Bring it on, Kinushi."

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