Painful as a Sound Spike

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Fire quirks were a dime a dozen, this much was known. It was also known that not many people would actively look for one with blue flames. And yet here Dabi was, three months after joining the "League of Villains". Honestly, who chooses a name that has L.O.V as an acronym for a group of villains?

Despite his past, Dabi was rather tame when it came to taking orders. Or at least, as long as it didn't involve anything having to do with the Todoroki household or Endeavor. He'd burn it all to the ground eventually. So imagine his surprise when Shigaraki calls him out of the blue to do just that.

"I need you to investigate Natsuo Todoroki for me. Someone he knows could be a powerful pawn, maybe even a bishop.", he said.

Dabi had to resist flame going up his arm before he said, "Fine. But it's going to be a pain to get close enough."

"You won't be going alone, you'll be taking someone with you." Shigaraki said, grinning from beneath the hand on his face.

Dabi raised an eyebrow at that. Guess the crusty bastard didn't trust him enough yet. Then again, he was covered in staples and burn marks, so that was reasonable.

Before he could even ask about who he'd be going with, a voice said, "Reach for the skies!"

He visibly flinched at the sudden noise before whipping around. The women had cream colored skin and pointed ears that reminded him highly of an elf. Silvery hair went down to her shoulders as a dark purple visor glared at him. She appeared to have built in speakers on her face mask, hands and feet, the last of the three being dark colored combat boots. The gloves she was wearing appeared to have reinforced knuckles. Whoever this was, was a force to be reckoned with, especially if she could sneak up on him.

"This is Soundspike, she's the league's intelligence officer." Shigaraki introduced.

The visor Soundspike had on had vocal lines going through when she replayed All Might's voice, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Why did Dabi have the unsettling feeling that was nicer than she would've liked? This feeling only increased as she just stared at him. This wouldn't have been so bad, were it not for the expressions visor and mask.

"Ugh, creepy ass bitch." Dabi said.

Soundspike copied this by replaying his words. "Ugh, creepy ass bitch."

"Enough, both of you! Whether you like it or not, you two will be partners. Now then, go investigate Endeavor's icy copy." Shigaraki ordered.

Soundspike and Dabi glared at each other. This was going to be a long day.


Dabi hates being right. From the moment they stepped out of the bar, Soundspike had been a pain in the ass. She repeatedly would quote movies or the last thing she heard Dabi say. As if to agitate him more, she even gave him a nickname: Matchstick.

"Aye, Banshee, we're here. Remember, observe, but don't engage." Dabi stated.

He turned his gaze to look down at the bus stop. A man in a large brown trench coat walked over, with black shades on.

'Oh my fucking god Natsuo. You need a lesson in being inconspicuous, badly." Dabi said internally.

A teen who fit the description of ShardBound appeared in a flash of light, sitting on the bench.

"What do you think? Prepare inconspicuous huh?" Natsuo asked, a large grin on his face.

The ShardBound look alike looked him in the eyes before saying, "Natsuo, you look like you're about to sell me some drugs. Or that you're a neighborhood watch target."

"What- Oh c'mon! I've looked worse!"

"I beg of you, take the damn coat off! Last thing I need is to deal with the cops."

As the two conversed, Soundspike glared heavily at the paler ShardBound. Dabi winced as he glanced at her.

"Oof, I know that look. That is the look of a woman scorned.", he said.

"Go jump off a roof, and pray you get dealt better cards in the next life!" Soundspike retaliated.

Dabi put his hands up before glancing back at the duo. It was honestly a relief to see Natsuo had friends. Even if one of them is a teleporting bastard.

"And I- ....."

"Uh, Starlight? Buddy? You good?" Natsuo asked.

"...Give me a minute." Starlight replied,  before teleporting.

Dabi's eyes went wide. Starlight? As in, ShardBound's transport? The crusty bastard never mentioned the idiot had a brother! Though, on the off chance he didn't know, this could be valuable data.


A high pitched squeal left Dabi as the scarred man leapt five feet into the air. Starlight began laughing at how startled he was before a bursts of pale purple sound waves hit him, causing him to teleport again.

"Oh my stars! Hibiki, is that you? How's my old flame doing?", he said from atop a roof.

Soundspike glared before saying, "DIE EXTRA!"

(Soundspike! Also known as, Hibiki Otokawa!

Age: 18

Quirk: Sound

She can control and manipulate sound, bending it to her very will! She can also increase her hearing, making her perfect for gathering information!)

"Old flame? That guy is your ex?!" Dabi exclaimed.

Starlight laughed before saying, "She never told you? Funny, she sure has a lot to say before we broke up! Bow chika bow bow!"

He made finger guns before teleporting out of the way of another sound blast. Soundspike looked around before a dart of light hit the back of her head.

"And who's this? I didn't know burnt was in season!" Starlight said, before kicking Dabi in the back of the leg.

As the man buckled over, he released a torrent of blue flames, causing Starlight to (what has been dubbed) another god damn teleport!

"Well, as fun as it would be to tick you off, I got a cat to feed. Later 'Biki!" Starlight said, before vanishing again.

The two villains were on high alert for a few minutes, before letting their guard down. One of the good things about fighting Starlight, was that he could keep you on your toes.


It was nightfall when Soundspike walked into the LOV bar. Kurogiri was cleaning out a shot glass, before filling it up for her.

"Ah, Ms. Otokawa. I was beginning to think you had run into trouble. How are you feeling?", the resident bartender said.

Sound- Otokawa grimaced before laying her head down on the wooden bar. Kurogiri grimaced before pulling a flask out of his outfit.

"One of those days, hm? Dabi filled me in. It is just you and I in the bar if you wish to speak freely.", he said.

Otokawa stared down at the brown concoction before taking off her mask.

"....Thank you, Kurogiri."

"It is an honor and a privilege."

(A/N: Hey y'all! I'm back from the dead! Spring break finally hit, so expect many new updates! Happy reading my little gems!)

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