Bonus Chapter 1: Heartslabyul Wishes

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Riddle's Wish:

In Riddle's room...

Riddle makes his wish, "My wish is... for Heartslabyul to soundly crush the other dorms with our scores on the next exams."

Then his Wishing Star glows.

"Oh yeah. We were behind Octavinelle and Scarabia in the midterms, huh. You're wishing for all of us to get good grades, though? Not just yourself?" Trey says.

"It's the least a housewarden can do. Besides, I hardly need it for MY grades. I'll take the top spot with or without some silly wish," Riddle says.

"Hah, of course. Excuse me, my fault for asking," Trey replies.

"You are excused," Riddle says, "Regardless, I'm not pinning my hopes on a wish to elevate our students' grades. I've already devised a concrete plan to help them improve."

That piques Trey's interest, "Okay, now I'm curious. What exactly does this 'concrete plan' entail?"

"It's quite simple. I'll round up the students bringing down our average and hold a study group," Riddle says, but then with a grin, "The catch is they won't be allowed outside the dorm until they can ace my specially-made quiz.

That shocked Trey.

And Riddle announces, "Next time, Heartslabyul will reign supreme!"

"Uh... Sure," Trey says, unsure about it.

Then he says to himself, "Here's hoping Riddle's wish comes true, for all our sakes..."

Ace's Wish:

In Ace's Room...

Ace says to Trey, "Hmm... I don't really have any wish in mind."

"There's no need to overthink it. You can say anything that strikes your fancy," Trey says.

"Yeah, Trey's right," Grim says, "I've got a grand dream, but I know not everyone's as cool as me. Just say whatever."

"Wow, condescending much?" Ace says and thinks.

And then an idea hits him "...Aha. Okay, Trey, I've got it."

"Let's hear it then," Trey says.

And Ace makes his wish, "I wish... for Grim to quit causin' trouble!"

And with that his Wishing Star glows.

Hearing Ace's wish, Grim reacts in shock, "Mrah?!"

Sereia giggles as she places her hand over her mouth

"Haha, now that's an interesting wish," Trey says with a smile.

"I mean, it's always one thing or another with him, right?" Ace replies, "If this wish comes true, we might have some normality in freshman class A. Am I a genius or what?"

"When have I ever caused a lick of trouble?!" Grim questions.

"Uh Grim, you remember the time that you accidentally torched the Great Seven statue, and broke a chandelier..." Sereia points out.

Grim cries out, "Mrah! Sereia, can you not bring up old stuff! Besides, that wasn't just me! Ace was involved too!"

Then Trey stops the argument, "Okay, that's enough. We got the wish we came for, so let's move on."

"Yeah, you heard the man," Ace says, "You could've banged out your work in the time you spent whining at me."

Grim cries out, "Mragh! You're all gettin' my back up!"

Cater's Wish:

In Cater's room...

Cater thinks of a wish and says, "Hmm, so you're asking for my wish? Okay, what do you think of this? I wish for more followers on Magicam."

"Why are you asking my opinion? And isn't that the same thing you wished for last year?" Trey asks.

"Oh, is it?" Cater replies.

"You were really enthusiastic about it too," Trey says.

"For real?" Cater replies, "Wow, I don't remember that at all. You've got a mind like a steel trap, Trey!"

"Nah, I just happen to remember when the Stargazer came to our dorm last year to collect stars," Trey says.

"I guess we did room together both freshman and sophomore year," Cater says, "It'd probably be supes boring of me to wish for the same thing twice in a row," And has an idea for a wish, "Okay, I've got it! My wish this year is... for my life at school to be chill!"

And soon his Wishing Star glows.

And passes the star to trey, "There you go!" and brings out his phone, "Oh, hey! You're wearing some mega 'cammable threads, Trey. We should grab a selfie!"

"Trey," Trey says, not interesting.

But Cater is not giving up, "Aww, come on! We totally need to commemorate this moment. Strike a pose now!" and with no choice, Trey and Cater have their picture taken.

Then Cater types on his phone, "#NRC #Starsending #WishUponaStar #Trey #ReachfortheStars," and posts it, "Aaand, posted! Thanks, Trey. Keep on Stargazing!"

"Don't spend too long on Magicam, okay? You wouldn't want Riddle blowing a gasket again," Trey says, and leaves Cater's room.

Trey soon enters the hallway.

Cater sure keeps his cards close to the chest," Trey says to himself, "You'd think he'd be open to sharing one of his actual wishes by now. Then again, maybe he is...just not with me."

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