Bonus Chapter 2: Savanaclaw Wishes

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Leona's Wish:

In Leona's room...

Leona is sleeping on his bed, "Zzz... Zzz..."

Ortho, Idia in the tablet, along with Briar, and Trinket enter to see him sleeping.

"Leona Kingscholar appears to be napping," Ortho says.

"Welp, so much for getting his Wishing Star," Idia says, "GG, we tried, let's go home."

"I guess, but we need to collect his Wishing Star eventually," Briar says.

Trinket nods in reply.

But Ortho says, "Hold on, guys! He's waking up."

Leona soon wakes up from his sleep to see Briar and the Shroud brothers in the room.

Leona scoffs, "Tch... So loud..." and soon notices Briar, Trinket and the boys, "Hm? I was wondering who was makin' a racket in my room. And what do I find? A radish sprout on a tablet and his kid brother. And the herbivore and her little pest."

Trinket puffs with her arms crossed, offended by the comment. One of the things Trinket hates is being called a pest.

"Did you just call me a...radish sprout?" Idia asks, stunned.

"Yeah. They're as long and pale as you are, and just about as appetizing. Anyway, you better have a REAL good reason for wakin' me up," Leona says with a frown on his face.

Idia yelps, "Eep! Please don't glare at us like that! We're just collecting Wishing Stars..."

"You woke me up for THAT?" Leona questions.

"Yes. Yes we did. We are Starsenders after all, so we're here to fetch your wishing star," Briar says.

Leona sighs, "Geez. You people bother me over the most ridiculous things..." and makes his wish, "All right, here: I wish to eat lots of meat."

And with that Leona's Wishing Star glows.

"What? Are you not getting enough to eat, Leona Kingscholar?" Ortho asks, "Do you feel ill? Is that why you were napping?"

Leona thinks for a minute and says, "...Yeah, that's right. I'm real sick right now. But it's the kind of illness you just gotta sleep off. So lemme get back to it."

But Ortho says, "I don't detect any abnormalities in your vitals. This could be a new type of malady. I'm equipped with the latest medical technology. I'll examine you to see what's wrong!"

Uh, Ortho? Let's just go. Leona probably rattled off the first wish that popped into his head to get rid of us," Idia says.

"Really?" Ortho questions.

But soon realizes, "Ooh, okay, I get it now. I'm glad he's not actually sick."

"Your brother ain't like you at all, Radish Sprout," Leona says.

"Yeah, no kidding," Idia says, "Candid, cheerful, totally unafraid of strangers, right? And the current Ortho's inherited those personality traits—"

But Leona interrupts, "Ugh, save the yammering for someone who cares. Just get outta here."

"RUDE," Idia says, sounding displeased.

"Come on guys, let's go collect more wishing stars," Briar says.

The group agrees and leaves the room to not disturb Leona even further.

Ruggie's Wish:

In Ruggie's room...

Ruggie makes his wish, "My wish is... to get a high-paying job."

And with that, his wishing star glows.

"Wow, Ruggie. It's surprisingly mature of you to make a wish about your future career," Trey says, a bit surprised, "Most of the students I've spoken with so far have wished for a favorite food or some other random thing."

"They're probably content with what they've already got," Ruggie says.

"And you're not?" Trey questions.

"Oh yeah, I'm way greedier. I wanna be set for LIFE," Ruggie says, "A good today don't mean much if tomorrow sucks. But the high-paying jobs are the most competitive. Interviews are bad enough, and some places make you take brutal tests on top of that. I dunno if I can clear all those hurdles, y'know?"

Soon, Trey understands, "Ah, I understand. I think you'd excel at the interviews, though. It doesn't seem like anyone on campus intimidates you."

Ruggie snickers, "Heh heh. Yeah, I'm pretty good at that part. I've worked a ton of part-time jobs, and have mastered the art of socializing! If I can just land the right job, I'll be able to attach myself to someone important, like how I assist Leona... And then I can live it up and enjoy the high life."

Trey laughs a bit, "Haha... I guess it's good to keep your eye on the prize and focus on what comes after graduation. I hope your wish comes true."

Jack's Wish:

In Jack's room...

Jack makes his wish, "I wish to run faster than a sleigh pulled by a reindeer."

"Huh?" Deuce, Tanzanite, and Jasper are confused.

"Okay, so... You're from a cold place that's farther north than the Shaftlands, right? And just to be clear, you mean one of those things with skis on the bottom that people ride on in the snow?" Deuce replies.

"Yeah," Jack says.

"That's one weird wish..." Jasper says.

Then Tanzanite asks, "Why are you wishing for that?"

Jack asks, "I spent my last holiday at home pulling a sleigh in wolf form, using my signature spell."

"But why?" Deuce asks.

"I was training to enhance my wolf form's strength and duration. I have to stay focused, or else I can de-shift without warning. Sometimes I have trouble mustering up much strength too," Jack explains.

Then Deuce says, "Oh yeah, I remember Professor Crewel talking about that. He said it requires extremely high-level magic to transform into another creature without the aid of a potion.

"That's right," Jack says, "And if I'm lucky enough to have a signature spell that lets me do it, I wanna hone it as best I can. So anyway, I was pulling a sleigh for training. And there's this reindeer in the area who's known for being real fast, so I asked 'em to race me to the top of a snowy mountain... And they beat me with a huge lead."

"Ah, so that's where your wish is coming from," Deuce says.

"Just rememberin' the smug look on their face makes me wanna growl. Next time we race, I'm gonna win!" Jack says, determined.

"I totally get that. I feel the same way whenever I lose a blastcycle race," Deuce says, "I'm rooting for you, Jack! You show that reindeer what for!"

"Thanks!" Jack says.

Jasper rolls his eyes, "Sheesh... These Track Club people really gotta go fast."

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