Bonus Chapter 4: Scarabia Wishes

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In Kalim's room.

Kalim makes his wish, "I wish... for everyone to be happy!"

Deuce and the twins are surprised.

"Really? That's all you want to wish for?" Deuce asks, surprised.

"Is that weird?" Kalim asks.

"No, no, not at all. I'm just a little surprised," Deuce says, "No one else has made that wish yet, that's for sure."

"Hmm... Maybe I should've kept it to just the Scarabia students," Kalim says, "But there's also my family, our staff, the people in the Scalding Sands, my teachers, my friends, the school ghosts... I tried counting all the people outside my dorm I wanted to be happy, but there were so many I gave up. So I just went with everybody! Guess that's kind of a cop-out, huh?" And laughs, "Ahahahaha!"

"I wasn't talking about the scope, actually. I more meant the wish itself, but it's fine..." Deuce says.

"It's kind of weird though," Jasper says.

"Hey, I was trying to AVOID saying that! Don't just blurt it out!" Deuce cries out.

"Well I think it sounds nice. Some like to make their own wishes for themselves, so it's nice to hear some people like to make wishes for others," Tanzanite says.

"That's right. It is for me," Kalim says with a big smile, "When everybody else is happy, I'm happy too! So that means it benefits me, right?"

"You're such a good person..." Tanzanite says.

"Wow, what a compliment! Thanks, Tanzanite!" Kalim happily says, "And good luck with the Starsending dance, Deuce. I'm looking forward to it! Jamil and I will be there to cheer you on."

"Oh, well... Thanks! I'll give it my best!" Deuce says.


In Jamil's room...

Jamil makes his wish, "My wish is... to take a trip by myself."

And Jamil's Wishing Star lights up.

"Pretty borin' wish if you ask me," Grim says.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I not entertaining enough? Sheesh, who asks to hear a wish then criticizes it?" Jamil replies, unamused.

"I thought it was a nice wish, personally," Trey says.

"I think it's nice to want to go traveling," Sereia says

"Really? I don't get it at all," Grim says, confused.

"Alone time's hard to come by when you're at school," Trey says, "That's not to say hanging out with people isn't fun, just that sometimes you want a little peace and quiet. Am I on the right track, Jamil?"

"Couldn't have put it better myself, Trey," Jamil says, "I appreciate you looking at it from my perspective. You were pretty quick to answer, though. Let me guess—you feel the same way yourself sometimes."

"Haha... Maybe," Trey says.

"Do you have a destination in mind?" Sereia asks.

"Honestly? I don't care where I go," Jamil answers, "Just once, I want to go someplace where no one knows me and kick back for a while. I don't see that happening before I graduate, though. Maybe I'll peruse some travel magazines in the meantime; make sure I'm ready if my wish comes true."

"Good call. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you," Trey says.

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