3: Wyatt

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The second the curtains start to close, I leave the stage. Everything had gone well, yet I am seeing red. I storm into the band's backstage lounge room and slam the door behind me. I rip out the earpiece that is sitting tightly in my ear and then throw my leather jacket onto the couch. Tension is heating me up from the inside out, and I can't stand the feeling of the leather clinging to my body.

To be frank, I wasn't having a great day. Or a great week. Not even a great year. So I had the right to be pissed off when I saw some chick in the audience acting all snobbish, even though she bought front-row tickets to see our show.

But it wasn't just that. The way she rolled her eyes and ignored me like I wasn't staring at her the whole time just told me how stuck up she is. She probably thinks I'm into her or something, but she should know that what I feel for her is far from that.

Whatever. I walk over to the mini-fridge that sits in the corner of the lounge and pull out an ice-cold Corona. Just what I needed. I slouch down onto the couch and roll my head back, resting it on the wall. 1 just need some peace and quiet-

"YO, THAT CROWD WAS CRAZY!" Jay hollers as he throws the door open and crashes down onto the couch right next to me.

So much for peace and quiet.

"That's why Boston is always my favorite place to play," Alex says as he follows Jay into the room, "Not to mention, the chicks here are something else." I scoff to myself and take another large chug of my beer, hoping the alcohol will soon kick in and ease my frustration a little.

The two must have heard my scoff because Alex rolls his eyes and let's Jay do the talking, "What the hell are you scoffing at? I think we all saw who your eyes were glued to all night..." The two look at each other, raising their eyebrows up and down before bursting out into laughter.

"Shut the fuck up,Jay," but the two continue to laugh, "You want to talk about the blonde I caught you with the other day in Alex's room?" A small smirk grows on my face as I watch Alex's eyes dart from me to Jay.

Jay shuts up quickly and then I'm the one laughing when Alex starts pushing him around and cursing him out. Although Alex is obviously pissed, I'm not worried because I know it's just boy stuff. If it was anything serious I wouldn't have provoked him in the first place. The three of us were practically brothers, so I know them both well, and I know that Alex won't be pissed about it in an hour or two. He will just never let Jay forget it.

As stupid as the two of them are, they could always make me feel better.

Alex is practically on top of Jay on the ground when the lounge door opens again, but this time the person's presence makes Alex quickly stand up and clear his throat before taking a seat next to me on the couch. I don't even have to look to know who it is; there were only so many people that could straighten the three of us out without even making a sound.

"Nice work out there lads..." Jimmy, our band's manager, says while giving us a look, and I could tell he's rolling his eyes on the inside,

"Well, when you lot get yourselves situated, you still have to meet up with fans for a bit before I can let you off."

Jimmy is a larger man, and he is very Irish too. You can tell, not just

from his accent or his ability to out-drink a college frat kid, but from his loud, bellowing voice that can shut up a room with just a simple

'Hello! I know better than to be intimidated though, and I know he's just a big softie deep down. And just like how Alex Jay, and I are like brothers, I have always seen him as a father. At least as the father I never had.

I internally groan. I am not in the mood to go meet a bunch of screechy fans.

Don't get me wrong, I love our fans, but the ones that buy tickets for these things are usually just there to gawk, get a photo, send the photo to everyone for some clout, and then leave. It's rare that I meet a fan who actually wants to talk and introduce themselves.

Though, I know I have to suck it up because there is no way I'm getting out of this. I down the rest of my beer and grab my jacket from the couch.

Here we go.

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