5: Melinda

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After a little bit, l'm more comfortable with it just being Matteo and me. I wasn't expecting him to stay around, but he does and it's okay.

Matteo is only a little taller than me, nothing compared to Alex, Jay, or Watt. He has shorter brown hair and glasses. I can tell he stuck around because he's interested in me because he will not stop looking at my boobs, but I am definitely not interested in anything more than a friendly conversation.

"Hey, there's a bar in the building, wanna go?" he suggests but sees that I'm hesitant, "It's okay, usually there aren't many people there so it wouldn't be crowded or anything." Even though he sensed my hesitance, he isn't very good at picking up on what I am hesitant about...

I can't find it in me to turn him down, so I agree. I'll be leaving soon anyway so it isn't that big of a deal. Right?

Matteo leads me down a hallway backstage and eventually we reach a bar. It is a quaint bar with vintage-looking bar stools and posters covering the walls, each displaying a different rock star. There's no bartender but a ton of alcohol, with bottles of liqueur and tequila covering an entire wall. As I'm scanning the rest of the room, my eyes land on a figure hunched over the bar. I immediately know who it is because of his scruffy brown hair, large and veiny hands, and the leather jacket that is draped over the stool next to him, leaving him shirtless.

Shit. Could this night get any more awkward? First I faced the guy I pissed off all night, then I was left alone with the guy that read my mood very poorly, and now this?

"There you are, Wyatt! Alex was looking for you earlier," Matteo breaks the silence and walks over to him, "You can go home, man. Crowds are gone."

Wyatt slowly looks up from his phone and immediately catches my eyes, as if he knew I was there with Matteo from the second we walked in, even though I haven't said a word.

"Thanks for the permission, dad," he stands up, towering over Matteo, who is next to him with a cheery smile that goes dead when Wyatt looks at him and scoffs.

He snatches his jacket from the stool next to him and starts to walk towards the door where I stand. He comes right up to me, stopping only a few inches away, and looks down into my eyes. His bare chest is so close to mine, radiating heat and warmth but still somehow sending chills down my spine. He looks at me, and for a second I see something flash in his eyes, but whatever it is quickly disappeared, drowning in his anger. He scoffs yet again and walks out.

Now it is just me and Matteo, and he is already over at the bar with two drinks in front of him. He must have poured them while I was distracted by a certain jerk, who, by the way, is criminally hot.

No. Stop. Not hot...

I snap out of it and walk over toward Matteo, "Thank you, Matteo, but I really shouldn't be drinking. I still have to drive home."

"Oh, no, no! No alcohol! Don't worry," Matteo laughs, "I wouldn't give alcohol to someone if I didn't even know their age. It's just a club soda with lime."

"Oh, thank you," I politely smile, taking a sip of the drink.

Matteo grins and takes a sip of his own drink, "So, what's a girl like you doing at a rock concert?"

"A girl like me? What's that supposed to mean?" I say as a joke, but I'm curious as to what he means by it.

"Well, you're so hot and that dress is awfully tight. The men here might get some bad ideas seeing that body of yours all alone at a concert," he answers.

I try to laugh it off, and my stomach sinks as I become more uncomfortable than I already was. I take another sip of my drink, hoping that the faster I finish, the faster I can leave. I suddenly feel very exposed, and I don't like the way his eyes are running over my body. Something is wrong, but I can't place what. I take the last big gulp of my drink and set the empty cup on the bar top.

"I should probably be going," I say as I get up, "I have work in the morn.. in the m..morning.." My body fails me as I try to stand up, and my words are slurring like crazy. Suddenly the world around me is spinning, and the bar lights are too bright. My senses are out of wack, and suddenly, Matteo is in front of me.

When did he get here? Wasn't he just behind the bar?

Didn't he say that there was no alcohol in my drink?

Before I can process how he got in front of me, I feel my thigh tingle. I look down and see his hands slowly creeping up my leg. I try to tell him to stop, but I can't form any words. I try to push him off, but he just keeps going. His voice is ringing in my ears, and I try to scream, but no sound leaves my mouth.

Is this actually happening to me? No. No, it can't be...

Matteo's hand is on my leg for 10 seconds, but it feels like 10 years.

Everything is happening in slow motion. All of a sudden my ears start to ring from a loud yell. Then Matteo disappears from in front of me, and the next thing I know, he is laying on the floor at my feet. There is another large figure in the room but I can't tell who it is. I don't know what's happening. I feel like l'm going to pass out. And I do.

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