Chapter Nine: Any Average Monday

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By the time Jade got home, her cock was straining for relief. She quickly parked her car rushing upstairs. Her mom barely got out the word "Jade" before Jade had run upstairs and shut her door locking it behind her. She pulled off her dress dropping it to the floor and quickly yanked off her bra and boxers tossing them onto the floor. She climbed onto her bed closing her eyes.

Immediately the image of Tori flooded into her mind. Jade bit her lower lip slowly gripping her throbbing member. She trailed her thumb over the top collecting the drop of precut leaking out and rubbed it around the head. She could just imagine Tori in her corset leaning over her. Whispering filthy thoughts into her ear. Jade shivered licking her lips. Her free hand slipped lower as she curled two fingers inside of herself trembling. She could almost hear Tori whisper into her ear 'Good Girl...'. Jade cried out as her release washed over her. Her ass squeezed around her fingers as she felt her cum shoot out into ropes landing on her waist and stomach. She slowly removed her hands opening her eyes to the mess she made.

Grabbing two tissues, she wiped herself clean looking over to see her phone lit up. Picking it up she looked to see a text from Tori.

T-I had a wonderful time tonight. I hope you did too. ;)

Jade smirked tossing the tissues in her hand aside so she could type out a response.

J-I did. All while thinking of you. ;)

T-Good girl. I look forward to seeing it in person.

Jade blushed putting her phone down. She climbed under the covers smiling. 'She'll be the death of me.' Was the last thing Jade thought before falling asleep.


Jade walked into school surprised to see a very happy Tori waiting by her locker. She walked over to her opening her locker while trying to fight the stupid grin on her face. "Vega." She said nonchalantly.

"That's all I get?" Tori asked crossing her arms and pouting.

Jade closed her locker turning to face her. "You said you didn't want people to know. So yes. That's all you get Vega."

Tori sighed. "I know you're right. But still..."

Jade leaned in as she walked past Tori. "But still nothing sweet cheeks. This is normal." She whispered softly.

Tori followed behind her to class. Jade took her usual seat. Tori sliding in next to her. Jade gave her a glare. The lights were shut off on the class as the substitute walked in. She pushed in a tv cart turning it to the class. Soon enough Jade found herself watching a movie she couldn't remember the name of because she didn't care about it.

She looked over at Tori and lightly judged her with her elbow. Jade held out her hand between their legs. Tori slid her hand slowly into Jade's. Their fingers entwining. Jade smiled and began to draw small circles on the top of Tori's hand. She felt a shiver run through Tori. Leaning in she whispered into the latinas ear. "Friday night. My mom leaves town for the weekend." She watched as Tori but her lower lip. "You want to have a sleepover?" She teased brushing her lips over her ear.

Tori only nodded as she turned bright red. Jade smirked turning back to the movie.


"Jadeeeee. Please do something about Rex." Tori whined.

The whole group was sitting at their usual table. Rex, still holding control over Robbie was off talking to two girls who seemed unusually excited to be talking to a puppet.

"Oh leave him be. I like him like this. He's way more fun. Plus he's not as creepy towards us." Jade whined stabbing at her salad.

"That's not a good reason for letting someone become a zombie." Andre groaned.

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