Chapter Eleven: Walk This Way

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The weekend had come and went with less playtime and more romantic moments. Mostly Tori and Jade had watched movies and cuddled with the occasional make out session. All that didn't stop Jade from walking in with a slight hitch in her step on Monday morning. Jade had dropped Tori off at her house before heading to pick up her morning coffee. She opted for the drive-thru for a change mostly because she didn't want people to think her odd for wearing a large black trench coat to cover her padded butt. Even though Tori had said it wouldn't hurt by Monday morning, Jade was still feeling the effects of Friday night.

After picking up her coffee, black with three sugars, she headed to school. She had still managed to get there early and headed straight to Sikowitz's class hoping to avoid everyone on the way. By the time she got to the classroom, she was able to grab her seat with only a minor amount of wincing and pain. Everyone else followed soon after, led by Tori. Tori took her seat next to Jade lightly brushing Jade's hand with hers. Jade smiled to herself. Even in the pain she was in, just knowing Tori was hers made it all seem like nothing.

The morning had gone by fairly uneventful. Tori and Jade trailed behind everyone arriving to the courtyard late. Jade tried to hide her walk in order to hopefully avoid any awkward questions that might come up. But as she sat down she let out a slight squeak of discomfort surprising even herself. Tori looked over at her with worry etched over her face.

"Hey Jade. Feeling a bit sore? Busy weekend?" Andre teased poking fun at her.

Cat perked up at the suggestion. "I knew it! Jade got fucked in the butt!" Cat jumped up and down excitedly.

Jade went dark purple in a mix of shame and embarrassment. "Cat where did you learn that kind of language?!" Beck asked shocked.

"Oh I was watching this video and this guy said it. So I searched what it meant and it showed me these videos. So I watched them. And they looked fun but not in the fun way but in the fuuun way so I tried it. And now its fun in the fuuun way and the fun way!" Cat said excitedly.

Everyone's faces were full of surprise. More than one jaw hung open including Jade's. Not only had Cat admitted to trying out butt stuff but actually enjoying it. Jade wished she had known about that during more than one of their sleepovers. She shook her head. "Cat maybe that's the thing you should keep to yourself."

"But you did it didn't you? So why is it so bad if I do it?"

"It's not about me. You shouldn't go around saying that to everyone!"

"Oh it's definitely about you and this mystery man." Andre cut back in.

"I'm not getting into this." Jade groaned picking at her food. Tori reached under the table and squeezed her leg. Jade took her hand and held it feeling stronger at the support from Tori.

"Were they at least good?" Tori asked teasingly.

Jade squeezed her hand tightly. "They were alright." Tori squeezed back roughly. Jade fought everything in her being not to react. The Latina might have been smaller than Jade but boy was she strong.

"So not better than Beck? You used to always come in sore after spending the night." Cat said innocently.

"CAT!" Jade shouted.

"JADE!" Cat shouted back.

"It was me!" Tori shouted causing everyone to look at her. Jade turned her mouth open in shock. Tori just admitted that she was the one who fucked Jade. Not only that but she was the one who was openly admitting that they were together.

"Pfft. Sure." Robbie said finally adding to the conversation. Beck looked between them and then down at his food butting out.

"Oh it's true. Jade's my girlfriend now. For about a week. And I spent the whole weekend showing her who's boss." Tori called back raising an eyebrow.

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