Chapter Thirteen: Fun in the Sun

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"Cmon Jade. Water time." Tori said tapping her foot in the sand. Beads of water dripped down her body, her hair clinging to her shoulders from the water.

Jade looked up from the book she was reading in the shade of their umbrella. The gang get carved out a small camp for their stuff. Everyone else had gone off to play in the water but Jade had stayed behind to read. She was very happy until a large shadow crossed over her light.

"I told you later Vega." Jade said keeping her eyes on her book.

"It is later Jade. Come play with everyone." Tori climbed down sitting next to her.

Jade glanced over and out of the corner of her eye watched as a bead of water slid its way down across Tori's collarbone. She followed it down as it dipped down between Tori's breast into her top. She glanced away humming silently.

"Come on Jade. Come spend time with everyone. Come spend time with me." Tori said seductively.

Jade held up one finger. "Let me finish my chapter. I've got maybe twenty pages left."

"Jade. I'm in the water. You haven't considered what that means have you?" Tori stood up. "And I was so hoping you'd spend the night." Tori walked off leaving Jade behind.

Jade looked up from her book watching Tori go. She wasn't certain but it looked like Tori was swaying her hips for her. Jade lowered her book. Tori wanted her to spend the night. Why did she mention the water like it was so important? So what it was just water. Big deal. It's not like she was on her-

Jade cut off mid thought eyes wide. Tori wanted her to spend the night. A smirk spread across her face as she began to get excited. She put her book aside marking her place before pulling off her shorts and throwing them aside. She set off after Tori quickly. She managed to catch her right at the water scooping her up in her arms. Tori let out a surprised yelp throwing her arms around Jade's neck for balance.

Jade ran straight into the water waist deep before letting Tori go. Tori gained her footing before turning to hit Jade in the arm. "Why?!"

Jade just smirked and leaned in to Tori's ear. "You're a tease you know that?"

Tori put her hands on Jade's shoulders before wrapping her legs around Jade's waist. "You love it though."

Jade gripped Tori's hips holding her up. "You're lucky we're not alone Vega."

"If you say so West." Tori said throwing her head back laughing as she dumped a handful of ocean water on Jade's head.

The rest of the day progressed pretty slowly for Tori. Beck brought his grill and cooked a ton of food for everyone. By the time everyone had finished eating it was already late afternoon. Everyone was feeling full and happy to just relax on the beach. Tori had spent the better part of that time laying next to Jade while she read.

Tori admired her girlfriend immensely. Jade was so hard on the outside but soft on the inside. She melted that hard exterior so Tori could hold Jade. Not only that but she trusted her enough to try all sorts of things. She knew she had pushing Jade really hard really fast and was worried what might happen. She didn't want to mess things up. After all she liked Jade as is and as much as she liked her Pet she wouldn't lose Jade.

Tori but her lip nervously shifting uncomfortably. Jade looked over from her book and took Tori's hand giving it a soft squeeze. Tori looked up brown eyes meeting green ones. Tori felt herself relax and scooted over laying her head on Jade's shoulder. Jade turned back to her book reading.

The ride home had been filled with idle conversation just to fill time. After dropping Cat off Jade drove to Tori's parking her car on the street. "So...should I go shower and grab clothes? Or..." Jade trailed off looking over at Tori.

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