Chapter Ten: Jades Bottomed bottom

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"Before we do anything Jade. We need to go over some things." Tori said looking over at Jade. After school Jade had drove them both over to Tori's house. Tori made Jade wait in the car while she packed. She hadn't wanted to ruin the surprise for her. Or surprises as it were. Tori had packed plenty of stuff for their weekend.

"Umm yeah. Where do we start." Jade said uncomfortably rubbing her hands on her pants.

Tori reaches out taking one of her hands and giving it a squeeze. She could feel Jade relax a bit. "I want you to know you don't have to do this Jade."

"I want to. I just don't know what to expect. I mean I'm not really prepared."

Tori leaned in cupping her face with one hand. "I'm going to take it slow. I don't know what I'm doing either so we will learn together." She kissed Jade softly for a moment before pulling back.

Jade smiled nodding. "Slow it is."

"First thing first. Your safe word. You say it. I stop. Immediately. It's your choice of word."

Jade pursed her lips thinking for a moment. She smirked. "Peaches."

Tori rolled her eyes. "You're going to taunt me even in this?"

"Of course. Miss sweet sally peaches." She glances down at Tori's butt. "There's more than one reason for peach though."

Tori blushed smacking Jade's arm. "You're gonna get it in a bit." Jade laughed wiggling her eyebrows. "Okay. Peaches. If you're ever gagged or can't talk I want you to snap your fingers. And keep snapping until I pay attention and make it so you can talk. Okay?"

Jade nodded. "Next?"

"Limits. I know you said no hypnosis but is there anything else? Anything at all?"

"No toilet stuff. Nothing that makes me bleed. Except maybe biting. Actually yeah. Biting is okay. Great even. And nothing that leaves permanent marks."

"I can do all that. Especially the biting." Tori grinned showing her teeth watching as Jade shivered. "Now for my rules. Rule one, once we start, and you'll know when we start, the only stops are your safe word and when we're done. Rule two, I want you to trust me. That means if you ever feel uncomfortable stop me. Rule three, know that no matter how hard I may be or how mean it's not meant to hurt you. Rule four, you can only call me Tori until you feel ready to add Mistress in which case you can say Mistress Tori or just Mistress. And rule five, always trust your instincts and feelings. You'll discover a lot of new sensations and feelings these next few days, don't fight them. Trust yourself to know yourself best." Tori finished.

Silence hung in the air as Jade let it all sink in. She squeezed Tori's hand looking over at her. "You promise I'll still be me after this?"

"You'll always be Jade. But that doesn't mean that whatever happens isn't you as well."

Jade nodded. "Anything else." She said her voice shaky.

Tori stood up and reached out cupping Jade's cheeks with both hands. "That's all I have. If you're ready we can start."

Jade swallowed dryly. She closed her eyes taking a deep breath. She nodded. Tori leaned in capturing Jade's lips in a passionate kiss. She forced her tongue into Jade's mouth quickly taking control. She heard Jade whimper softly. She pulled back taking Jade's lower lip and tugging it with her teeth. She kissed up to Jade's ear. "Now Jade. Keep your eyes shut and count to one hundred and fifty in your head. When you finish I want you to open your eyes. Stand up. Strip naked and fold all your clothes into a neat pile on the floor. Then stand at attention in the middle of the room. Nod if you can do all that." Tori waited. Jade nodded after a moment of hesitation. "Good girl." She felt Jade shiver. "I'll see you soon."

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