Chapter Fifteen: Graduation PT1

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It was the day before graduation, aka, the last day of class for Jade and Tori. The two of them had been going strong for the past few months and Jade had been dreading this day for a while. She knew that Tori and her had both been putting off talking about the future for a while. Jade was going off to a two year writing program in New York at the end of the summer and Tori had her record contract, in LA. Jade wasn't really sure how to feel. She'd been thinking about it for the past few weeks and it was eating her up inside. What would happen to them? After all they had been together for the past for six months, could they really do two years apart minus the holidays? Would Tori want that?

"Earth to Jade!" Beck said snapping his fingers in front of her face.

Jade shook her head glaring at him. "What do you want? I was thinking."

"You were staring at your locker for the past five minutes. You need to snap out of it West and talk to your girlfriend. The two of you have been in this weird limbo state when you're apart." He leaned against the locker next to hers crossing his arms.

Jade closed her locker for the last time looking at the door. "I know you're right but what if this is the end-"

"If you really are stupid enough to think that then you're a bigger fool than I thought. Now go talk to your girl. I don't need you or her being bummed out at my party tonight."

"Oh yes, of course I'll put my life on hold for you tonight so nothing interrupts your party."

Beck stood up walking away. "That's all I ask."

Jade watched him go as Tori walked over to Jade. "Hey beautiful." Jade said wrapping her arms around Tori.

Tori smiled. "Ready to go to your place? Or still need more time to say goodbye?"

Jade let go of Tori. "Can we swing by the Janitor's Closet? It will only take a moment?"

Tori raised an eyebrow. "Really? We didn't do it enough over the last six months in there?"

"Not that." Jade grabbed her bag and started towards the closet. She opened the door and turned to see Tori hadn't moved. Jade cocked her head motioning for her to go in. Tori crossed her arms walking in towards the closet. Jade stepped in closing the door behind her.

"What's going on?" Tori said leaning against the shelf.

"We've needed to talk for a while."

"Jade...not now...not here..." Tori whined.

"Then when and where Tori! We've both been putting it off clearly! We need to talk about us! About what and where this is going!" Jade said dropping her bag on the ground.

Tori sighed slumping her shoulders. "I know we do. I just like where we are and what we have and I feel like talking about it-"

"Makes this real?" Jade said softly lowering her head.

Jade felt Tori's hand cup around her cheek and lift her face up. She looked into those beautiful brown eyes and everything melted away. "This. Us. All of it is real. Don't you dare say it isn't." Tori leaned in kissing Jade's cheek.

"But what happens when I'm in NYC and you're here in LA?"

"We make it work Jade. We'll figure it out because that's what we do. Because I'm never letting you go Jade. I love you."

Jade looked up at Tori and could see tears in her eyes. "I can visit you on holidays out here." She felt herself start to tear up as well. "And you can visit me when you have breaks or maybe record in New York."

"We will make it work Jade. I promise you that. It will take a lot more than the country to separate me and you."

Jade laughed. "Vega I swear I've never loved you more." Jade rested her head on Tori's shoulder smiling.

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