Chapter Fourteen: Staging The Act

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"You have to audition Jade." Jade groaned. Tori had been pressuring her to audition for the latest of Sikowitz craziest shows. The show was called "In Her Honor" and was supposed to be about a princess who runs a country but ends up killing herself after her empire begins to fall around her. Truth was Jade was actually excited about the show, until she learned she was going to have to wear a full old English dress with all of the add ons. Jade was not about that wardrobe, but Tori was not going to let her out of it.

"For the last time Vega. I'm not doing it." Jade said laying on her bed. She rolled over looking at Tori while she got undressed. She loved watching Tori get undressed before bed. For the past three months whenever Tori had spent the night it always involved some fair amount of cuddling, kissing, and to a larger degree, lots of sex. Tonight had been different, Tori had insisted the just have a romantic date night, saying it would just be nice to be a cute couple for a change.

"What do I have to get you to do to be in it? You would be fantastic as the lead roll. Plus that final scene, tons of fake blood. It's like a dream of yours." Tori turned around her hands on her hips.

Jade lifted herself up onto her elbows looking at Tori. "I'm not doing it and you can't convince me."

Tori walked over crawling into bed and slipping under the covers with Jade. "There's always something. Tell me what and I'll do it. Anything. Even if it's that thing Cat taught me." Tori nudged up next to Jade wrapping an arm around her middle.

"I love when you do that, but I told you no. And stop letting her teach you stuff, the two of you are like sex crazed weirdos. At least now she has your sister to bone instead of trying to get in our bed."

"They make a cute couple. And don't get me wrong, you say the word she's welcome to join. And don't act like you haven't gotten a lesson from Trina about a thing or two."

"I did no such thing. And even if I did, you don't want to hear about it. And to think we thought Cat was filthy."

Tori buried her head in Jade's neck. "Please don't talk about my sister that way. It's already bad enough when Cat mentions something or shows me a toy Trina bought her. You won't believe wha-"

Jade covered Tori's mouth. "After the last one you showed me I don't want to know. I'm weird but that, that's just freaky. How does it"

Tori looked up at Jade's face laughing at the confused expression. She lay her head down on Jade's chest sighing. "Don't ask me."

Jade stroked Tori's hair closing her eyes. "If I audition there's one thing I want. I want you to come up with something. Something only the wicked mind of my Mistress can come up with and surprise me with it. I don't care what. I don't care how. But I want you to really dig in that box of yours and really challenge me and you. Let's see if we can't shock Trina and Cat."

Jade could feel Tori smile. "Oh trust me. I can come up with something. You just wait Jade."

"You better. If I'm wearing those damn dresses, you owe me big time."

"Fuck you Vega. Fuck period clothing. Fuck women's period clothing when you have a dick. Fuck this show. Fuck Sikowitz. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Jade said stomping around her dressing room wearing only a pair of lacy underpants. She threw her hairbrush against the wall groaning.

It was only a month ago when Tori had convinced her to audition for the show. So Jade had auditioned and immediately been given the role by Sikowitz. Rehearsals had begun immediately which ate into much of Jade's Tori time. Which Jade had been getting very little of lately. As graduation began to creep closer, Jade was starting to get nervous. She hadn't decided on a school yet and Tori, well Tori was going to be working on her GED over the summer and was starting work on her first album in the fall. Would Tori still want Jade when she was famous? It didn't help that they hadn't been very intimate together lately and Jade was starting to get blue balls.

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