Chapter Five: Mistakes were made

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Tori sat at lunch while everyone else sat talking around her. It was all just noise to her, it had been all week. Ever since Jade stormed out on her, Tori had just been going through the motions. She couldn't shake the image of Jade crying. She had made Jade cry. She knew Jade had a soft side but she didn't think she'd crack over just something like that.

Not only that but what Jade said. No what she though me of her. How she could think Tori would ever try to hurt her. After everything they'd been through. After everything she did for Jade. All the times she'd been there for her. 'How could she think I'd ever hurt her. But I did. I did hurt her. I betrayed her trust. I asked her to tell me her secret while vulnerable and she was more than willing. I stole her privacy from her.'

She groaned dropping her head on the table with a slam. Everyone stopped to look at her. "Tooooooorrrrrriiiii!" Cat whined wrapping her friend in a hug from behind. "You have to stop. Jadey's not mad at you. She's just sick. She said she had an upset tummy." Cat squeezed Tori's stomach softly for emphasis.

"Yeah Tor. All you did was do the assignment. Jade's just bummed she actually got hypnotized." André said laughing.

"Yo slave. This girl needs a pick me up so I can pick her up. Go buy her a milkshake. On you." Rex said to a hypnotized Robbie. The two of them walked off towards the grub truck.

"We really need to wake Robbie up. It was funny for a day. Now it's getting weird. I'm starting to think Red might try to possess him." André said earning a chuckle from everyone.

Cat let go of Tori hopping up on the table. "It's super creepy. But also so flattering. I think Rex really likes me." She twirled her hair around a finger.

Tori looked up just in time to see Rex bringing her over a milkshake. "Some sugar for my favorite little sugar." Cat jumped in grabbing the milkshake.

"Hey I thought I was your favorite!" Cat ran off towards the school screaming.

"Little Red holdup. You know you're my number one of all time. After her minion!" Rex shouted as he and Robbie ran off after her.

Tori sighed thankful for a moment of quiet. She couldn't keep focus on it all when all she could think about was Jade. Beck put his hand on her shoulder causing her to jump. "Have you been here the whole time?"

"Yeah. I was just thinking about things. We need to talk." Beck started walking off towards the auditorium.

Tori tried to stop him to ask why but he was already out of sight. She decided she had better follow anyways. She got up walking after him. Andre has already stumbled into talking with some girls so she didn't feel bad bailing. Plus if anyone could help her with Jade, maybe Beck could.

By the time Tori had reached the auditorium Beck was sitting on the stage. The lights were on very low casting just enough light to see someone but not enough to see very well. Tori carefully made her way over to the stage managing to only hit her shin once against a chair, which she was certain would bruise. She took a seat next to Beck sitting there in silence with him.

Tori looked over at him. He was very good looking. Probably why all the girls and most of the guys fawned over him. When Tori first got to Hollywood Arts she did think he was attractive. Although that changes once she and Jade got close. She would never think of dating Jade's ex. Probably because she was thinking about dating Jade instead.

"So you found out." Beck said softly his voice cutting through the silence around them like a knife.

Tori sighed resting her head in her hands. "Yeah. I should've figured you knew. You two were together for years."

"Gets in your head doesn't it? Jade's member has a way of sticking with you."

Tori nodded. Of course she couldn't stop thinking about it. But mostly she couldn't stop thinking about Jade. The guilt weighed on her like a crushing weight.

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