Chapter Twelve: Road Rage

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The week passed by with a whole lot of nothing. Which Jade couldn't have been happier about. Nothing exciting popping up meant nothing to get in the way of Jade and Tori spending time together. The two of them spent almost every night together just cuddling and watching movies together. As it turned out, Tori hadn't seen many movies. Jade on the other hand was more than eager to share her vast film collection with her new girlfriend. All though, Tori always seemed to want to kiss more than watch a movie. Which Jade was just as eager to participate in.

However as Saturday approached, Jade began to get nervous. She always did whenever the gang suggested they go to the beach. Mostly because of her, extra bit. She was usually able to get away with wearing just a bikini top and shorts, but she knew Tori wanted to get in the water with her. That was all she had talked about the past few nights. So Jade had woken up early and had gone through every bathing suit she owned in order to find one she could make work. She eventually settled on a tight black one piece suit that left her back and the sides of her stomach bare. She had worked hard to tuck everything away so that hopefully nobody would notice. She slipped on a pair of shorts over top just in case. One could never be too safe.

She heard her phone vibrate on her bed. Walking over she picked it up to see a text from Tori. She opened it up and saw a picture waiting for her. Tori was wearing just a string tied around her too look like a bikini. Jade bit her lip stifling a groan. She could feel things already starting to shift from their place. A second message came through.

T - Too revealing?

J - Babe. Not today? I'll explain when I get you in a bit.

Jade quickly shot back. She reached down adjusting her shorts. If she was going to survive the day with hopefully no questions or awkward moments, Tori was going to need to behave herself. Jade knew Tori would make her pay for it later, but it was worth the cost. Not that Jade really minded the cost.

T - Fine. :( But you owe me.

Jade pulled up outside of Tori's house to see a very happy latina running towards her car. Tori was wearing a cute red sundress and a pair of large glasses. She climbed into the passenger seat of Jade's car leaning over and giving her girlfriend a kiss. Jade smiled kissing her back. "Hello Beautiful." Tori said sitting back and pulling on her seatbelt.

"Hello to you too. I hope you're wearing a real bathing suit under there. Your other one was a bit too revealing." Jade said trying to keep her mind on focus.

"Oh I am. That other one is just for you." Jade said pulling her dress up to show more of her legs. Jade's gaze drifted traveling up those thighs. She subconsciously licked her lips. She felt her member twitch and shook her head.

"Tori. Hold up. Look. I usually don't go in the water as you know. But you made a big deal about it so I'm actually wearing a bathing suit. And if you want me to go in the water with you and take off these shorts, as much as I hade it, I need you to not tease. I don't really want to have to explain to everyone that it's not a phone in my pocket and I'm happy to see you." Jade said in one very quick breath.

Tori smiled pushing her dress back down. She took Jade's hand and kissed it. "I'll be on my best behavior today. Just for you. But you owe me."

"You name it. It's yours." Jade said smiling.

"Oh I'll name it later. I already know what I want." Tori said letting go of Jade's hand. She leaned back smirking. Jade swallowed suddenly feeling very hot. Whenever Tori acted like that, Jade knew she had something to worry about. That face meant trouble.

"Oh. By the way. Beck asked if we could drive Cat. He said she was running late and it'd probably be easier if we drove her."

"Sounds good to me. Trapped in a car for an hour. Time to get some answers."

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