Chapter 9: Surprise! Again.

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I fell into the room with a shocked face on when I saw a tall odd man standing beside... New? He didn't have his mask on, he immediately grabbed it and out it back on before I got a good look.

I quickly stood up when the man grabbed my arm, I tried to run off but I was really weak.

"Wha, what do you want!" I yelled very loudly. Maybe I should've turned it down a notch. I was pretty worked up.

"Chance, listen calm down. He isn't going to hurt you." I looked over at New as the man let go of my arm. I would've ran but I wanted answers.

"What, were you talking about?" I questioned. This is almost as confusing as what aunt Sam was talking about.

"Listen Chance," he stepped closer, "Don't ask questions, I know you're confused but please forget everything you heard, ok?" I stepped away from him with an anger look on my face.

"Why should I! I want answers and I want them now!" I threatened him, but not very convincingly. I turned away from him and went to head for the door.

"Chance! Wait!" I went to turn as he rushed toward me, but I instantly felt a sharp pinch on my arm. I looked at him as I noticed he injected something into my arm.

I stumbled backwards and looked at him shocked. Who, what was he! It wasn't long until everything went black.
My eyes stung, my skin on fire, where was I? I don't remember anything. I can't see anything. I hear screams, maybe mine? I don't know. I open my eyes as all I see is red and orange flames. My lungs were filled with smoke, I was in so much pain. I just want to die already! I wondered why was this happening to me? What did I do? I felt relief, but tears were falling down my face. I saw a bright light...

"Chance! Wake up! Come down for breakfast!" It was Saturday. My head hurt, I can't quite recall how I got home last night. I remember walking down the school hall, and that's all.

I rushed down stairs, while brushing my hair. I sat down and looked at my sister who was enjoying her blueberry waffles. I was enjoying a nice bowl of lucky charms.

"So Chance, how was your week?" I just continued to eat my cereal. My head was really sore and I just didn't feel like talking right now. "Chance? Hellllllooooo?" She waved her hand in front of my face like a weirdo.

"Um, good I guess, my head just hurts right now." I looked up at her with an Unconcerning look on my face. She got up and looked around for some advil. I could literally be a total stress creator for my mom but she is always there for me. She was a great mom.

"Did you maybe hit it when you were at school? Or maybe on your way home after?" I stopped what I was doing and swallowed the pills and took a sip of water. That's when I started thinking.

"That reminds me mom, do you remember how I got home last night? I can't remember." She gave me a funny look.

"Then you must've hit your head when you were on your way back since you don't remember,"   She quickly stopped and gave me another funny face," Then again, I can't quite remember myself... Hmm." Suddenly Aunt Sam walked down the hall and looked over at us with a big smile.

"Oh Chance, your mom was asleep when you came home, she wasn't feeling well, oh and you said you hit your head on a tree branch when you were rushing home because you thought someone was following you, of course you must not remember."

I heard small footsteps from the hall as I saw a small white and black cat walked up behind Sam. "Oh and it turned out that your little 'stalker' was this wee little kitten here, you named her, 'tch' now what was it.... Oh I know! Kitty! How could I forget. Such a silly name."

I looked at the cat cautiously, It was becoming even harder for me to trust Sam. And something about this story just doesn't feel quite right. And there is no way on earth I would name a cat Kitty!

I quickly went up to my room. My mom called out to me but I kept walking. I fell down on my bed with a loud thud.

I grabbed my phone and immediately texted everything to Amie.

Amie: Hmm, sounds complicated. You really feel like what she told you isn't true? Maybe it is.

Chance: You seriously can't be siding with someone you don't even know! Like seriously?

Amie: Well you are the jumpy type, and her story is pretty normal and not very odd.

Chance: There is no way I would name a cat 'Kitty'

Amie: She might of lies about that to make you think you did because she wanted to name it that.

Chance: Maybe... But I'm still suspicious!

Amie: Ok, anyways I've got to go sorry! Bye~

Typical. I was just upset that she didn't even consider what I said

I got up and looked down when I noticed the small spotted cat right at my feet. I was really annoyed at this point.

"Go away you stupid animal!" I stomped my foot right beside it and she ran off, over near my closet. "You stupid cat..." I got all flustered over a cat... Was I going crazy? This is so annoying, I looked back at her and she just sat there and meowed at me. She stood up and paced in front of the closet. Was she trying to get me to open it ?

I walked over and looked down at her I put my hand on the knobs of my closet. I was kind of nervous. She sat down and, smiled... "Wha- what do you want you stupid feline!" I slowly pulled on the doors as they opened. My eyes became wide as I realized what the cat wanted. "Wha- WHAT!?"

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