Chapter Two: Secrets

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"Today, class we have a new transfer student! Please make him feel welcome, where he is from there isn't as many students in one class." A some-what tall boy walked in the class, he had messy dark reddish, brown hair, and he was wearing, a mask...

"Mr.York you can um." She glanced over by me, oh no she is going to make him sit behind me, great! I'm going to have to help the new kid for the rest of the year. "You can sit behind Chance, that is the one at the far left in the back." Knew it.

He walked by all the students, who gave him weird looks. His mask was just a plain white plate with a blank face cut out of it. When he walked past me, I could've sworn his eyes glistened red through the mask, but it's just my stupid imagination.

When class finished I walked to my locker which was just down the hall luckily, Amie walked up to me and pushed her jet black hair behind her ear, I'm so jealous of her hair, it's just so pretty.

"What are you looking at?" I suddenly realized that I was admiring her hair and stood up straight and asked her how she was. "Good I guess but that dork, Don, was annoying me again so the science teacher made us pair up! So what's new?"

"Karly was being a jerk like usual" I paused. "There is a new transfer student. He sits behind me..."

"Oh I heard about him! He is supposed to be like super cool and weird and he moved here from a strange foreign country! Man your so lucky." Man I wish I was.

"He is weird, not sure about cool though, he wears a weird white mask and he didn't talk during the whole class!"

"Chance, listen I don't know what he is like, so he could be like the coolest for all you know! You should try befriending him."

"Ya, maybe... I'll try talking to him tomorrow." After all my classes finished, I walked out to the courtyard, but then I noticed Karly was there. I went to walk off but she noticed me before I could.

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